Chapter Seven

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I grunted as my head hit my pillow at home. The ingury was pretty well bandaged up but it still screamed with pain whenever it hit a surface.
I was careful to keep my head from banging off the car door when I arrived home earlier. Joey left work a little earlier than normal to collect me from the hospital and dad welcomed me home with a vegetable stir fry. Since we were all vegan it was hard to get food around town so we didn't go out for dinner often. I was so glad we didn't though I don't think I would have been up for it. Living in Silverwater Bay was good as small towns go but there wasn't much choice as to selection of many shops. We had to travel down to the big cities to get to any decent shopping malls so I mostly buy clothes online.
  After dinner I took a shower and washed my greasy hair. Unfortunately where I got the gash was right at the back of my head just above the neck so I had to get my hair shaved there. When Iet my hair down you couldn't see anything through the thick strands but when I had it up in a typical high pony tail you could see the relatively small bandage. I didn't actually mind much as I was wanting a back but for a while and once the wounded healed I could show off my 'fashionable' side. Although the cut went all the way up my head it wasn't split enough for stitches do they had just cleaned it up and sent me home with a prescription for pain killers.
  Now that I lied in bed and my heavy eyelids closed I was just happy to be in my own bed and finally sleep took over.

Please give me a star and comment on your thoughts of the book. It will help me feel more encouraged to update faster and I would love to know your feedback. This is a really short chapter but mostly because it was accidental as I am actually in the middle of a big chapter and writing up a short story which will be hopefully published soon. Also please know that I've gone back and changed various information to suit the characters(such as the vegan lifestyle and you will see why soon!). Also please please comment I'm totally open to constructive criticism and give me a vote
Thank you xx - C

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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