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Alice's P.O.V.

As the van drove towards us Kit slammed his foot on the brakes, too soon if that's even possible. We were quickly flung forward as the car jolted to a halt. I felt my head hit off of the top of the window. The van flew past us doing at least 100mph. Kit started to scream and curse at the top of his lungs as the driver went past.

"Kit, leave it it's fine" I said, moving my hand up to his arm.

"It's not fine, that could have been a lot worse" he said.

"But it wasn't" I said soothingly. He looked towards me and a look of worry flooded his face.

"Alli, your bleeding" he said, fumbling for a tissue from his jacket pocket.

"It's fine it's just a bit of blood" I said as he placed the tissue above my eyebrow.

"It's quite a deep cut, we should really get that checked out, you might need stitches." He said, still concerned. He wasn't wrong, as I took the tissue away I saw a cut placed above my eyebrow, a sticky river of red flowed down my face.

"Yeah, maybe we should go to the hospital" I said.

A short car journey later, we arrived at a small emergency hospital, I filled out all of the appropriate forms and was ushered into a cubicle and was told to make myself comfortable while I waited for the nurse. I hate hospitals. I was in them so often when I was younger with my dad, the horrible smell, the meals, the squeak of the nurses shoes on the laminate flooring and the steady footsteps of the ill. It took me back to a bad place in my place, a place where I really didn't want to think about, or visit again. Kit could tell that I was unhappy, he sat in the seat next to the bed and gave my hand a squeeze, I appreciated the gesture. A tear slowly slid down my face, I could feel myself starting to shake slightly, my grip on Kit's hand tightened, I knew what was about to happen.

"Alli. Alli what's wrong" Kit asked, immediately standing up infront of me and putting his other hand on my shoulder.

"Noth - noth - in- ghh, i-mm ju - ju - ust ha-avi-nghh, a-ahh pa - pa -ni - c att - attack." i managed to stutter out as i struggled for breath.

"Hey, its okay, you're going to be okay" Kit said popping his head out of the cubicle to call a nurse. I knew by the time they got here I would have calmed down, I had had plenty of them before, just never around Kit.

"Just focus on your breathing okay" Kit said, kneeling down in front of me and wiping away my tears. He took both of my hands in his and placed a delicate kiss on the back of each of them. I just nodded.

"There you go, easy now" he said, standing up to rub my back. "That's it, back to normal please" he said jokingly.

"Not funny" i managed to mumble, still shutting my eyes and trying to get my heart rate back down. I felt Kit's hands from behind me, wrapping around my waist, he placed his head on my shoulder, squeezing me tightly, I felt safe.

"Okay the, by the looks of it your going to need about 20 stitches max" the bubbly young nurse Robyn said to me. Great.

"So basically what you're saying is, you have to stick a needle into my head now to make me better?" I said sarcastically, Kit chuckled from beside me flashing me a grin.

"Yeah basically" Robyn said almost too happily.

We left the hospital about 2 hours after arriving, Robyn had done a very tidy job of cleaning up my face, just in time for my performance in two days. She was right I needed 20 stitches, which was not a pleasant experience. Both me and Kit were exhausted from our day, on the way home we both sat in a comfortable silence. When Kit pulled up outside my hotel I really didnt want to leave, and he didnt want to leave me.

The Beginning  •  Book One  • A Kit Harington FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now