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"I had fun tonight" I say as we both step into the elevator.

"Me too" Ashton nods "So theres a chance of a second date?!"
"Just name a place and time" I laugh. We get to my floor and Ashton walks me to my door.

"Thank you, for tonight. It was all amazing" I smile "Especially when you shot milkshake out of your nose"

He groans as I remind him of, probably, the most embarrasing thing hes done.

After the cineama Ash took me to a 1950's style diner and we had burgers and fries and each had a chocolate milkshake.

Just as Ash took a huge gulp pf milkshake I made a comment on how the burger meat was tough resulting in Ashton sneezing milkshake.

I giggle and step towards him, cupping his cheek and leaning up. I connect our lips and let mine move in sync when he takes charge. I smile as my arms wrap around his neck and his wrap around my back at the bottom of my spine.

I hear a cough and turn to see my dad. I pull away quickly and look up at my dad.

"Rio, I came here to talk to you" My dad informs me.

"Oh, I'll be going then" Ashton nods "See you soon, Rio"

Ashton walks away and I turn to my dad "I want you to stop this right now Rio. Whatever it is, it needs to stop. You will not fool around with customers-"

"Oh, but you were fine when it was Beau?" I snap.

"Thats different, I knew Beau and knew his intentions and his plans. I hardly know this boy and don't want to! He seems like trouble"

"Ashton has been there for me! He has helped me so much, dad. You just can't accept the fact that I'm happy and you've been a miserable prat since mum died!" I yell but instantly regret it. My dad looks like a kicked puppy. He runs a hand over his face and shakes his head.

"I don't want you getting hurt, Rio. This boy seems like -"

"He isn't. He makes me happy, happier than Beau ever did. He makes me laugh and makes me feel like a princess. Did you know tonight he rented a whole movie theatre out for me. He payed for it all and took me to a diner. The most romantic thing Beau ever did was buy me a diamond ring for my birthday, and it was late because I had to tell him it was my birthday. Dad, he's so sweet and he makes me feel - I don't know. I get butterflies-"

"Thats enough, Rio!" He snaps.

"No, dad, it isn't! I really like him and if you don't see that or like that, then tough!" I spit. A stinging spread through my cheek after the words left my mouth and it took me a few seconds to realised what had happened, my dad had slapped me. My own father.

I shook my head and opened my door.


"Save it" I say, shaking my head. I shut the door and instantly shrug off my jacket. I turn the lights on and run to the bathroom, inspecting the already red mark, that will probably be a bruise by tomorrow.

I sigh and turn the bathroom light off. I strip for my clothes and change into some penguin pyjama bottoms and a high necked cropped white vest. I pull on Ashtons jacket and my fluffy socks before tieing my hair into a messy bun. I slip on my glasses before grabbing my phone and room key and walking out. I walk down to the lobby and into the grand dining room. I look at the many paintings and pictures in the large hall and stop at the large picture of our family. It showed my mum and dad, they were twenty five and twenty seven. I had just turned four and had gotten a pink dress, which my mother struggled to get on me as it was "too pink". I sat on my mums knees and smiled straight at the camera. That was the last photo we all had together.

"She really is beautiful" A voice says. I turn and see Luke. I smile and nod.

"She really is" I say.

"You have her eyes" Luke states "It's such a tragedy that she died at such a young age"

"She didn't deserve it" I say.

"No one deserves to die" He says "But it's a way of life"

"You know you're great to talk to. Any girl would be lucky to have you"

"I have my eye on a girl - but she doesn't really notice me. She works in this record shop in the city and she's beautiful"

"You'll get her, Luke. Trust me. Just keep trying and she'll notice what an amazing guy you are"


This is it. I thought. This is the letter that determines my future. I slowly open it and read over it.

Dear Miss Waters,

We are delighted to inform you that due to your outstanding grades,superb projects and your help in and around the campus helping with open days and charity events has certainly helped you along the way.

Thats why we have the great honour of telling you that you will be graduating this year with a first in photography and social media.

We have also received a few emails from private companies such as Giggs and Anna Wintour. They have seen your work and have said they would love to meet you and possibly offer you an apprenticeship.

We look forward to seeing you at graduation.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs A. Nickols and Mr M. Grainger (Chancellors of NYU)

I literally scream before running out of my room and to Ashtons. I bang on the door and Michael answers it looking sleepy.

"What?" He groans.

"Its three pm, why are you still asleep?" I ask.

"Um - it is my life, do not judge me"

"Great - wheres Ash?"

"In here" He says. I barge past and see Ashton, basically tackling him.

"I did it! I'm graduating with a first! And both Giggs and the editor of Vouge have asked to meet me! Ashton I did it!" I squeal.

"I'm so proud of you - I knew you could" He says. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head.

"By the way I need you all at graduation" I say "No matter what I have to have you there"

They all nod and I smile.

"This has to be the greatest day of my life"

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