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What Kris said yesterday really hurt me, but I knew that it was somewhat true.

I shouldn't have told him to leave. I should've helped him. We could have worked everything out.

Picking up my cell phone, I decided to call him. I knew exactly what I was going to say. I was going to beg him to forgive me, give me another chance. I was going to get him help.

After ten tries, I gave up on his cell and decided to dial the home phone.

Someone answered the phone and I sighed in relief.

"Kristian? Is that you," I asked with hope in my voice.

"No. W-who is this?" It was obviously his mother.

"Ashton. Mrs. Iglesias, what's wrong?" I was becoming worried.

"It's-it's Kristian," she said as she choked back a sob.

"What?! What happened to Kristian?" When she didn't respond I started to have a freak attack. "Mrs.Iglesias," I demanded while sweating nervously.

"He's-he's dead! It jus-" I quickly hung up the phone and dropped it.

My heart stopped and time seemed to stand still. Kristian couldn't be....dead, could he?

He was just there yesterday.

It-It couldn't be true.

*~* *~* *~* *~* *~*

Today was the day that I've been dreading.

I was dressed in all black. My hair was matted down. I haven't done anything at all since I heard the news.

My love, my baby, my boyfriend committed suicide.

I remember when I found out what happened to him. He was...gone. He apparently did a dose of heroin, which started to shut his body down. Then he sliced up most of his body, causing him to shut down even more from the blood lose. He finally ended it all with a bullet down his throat.

I, myself, couldn't believe it. But I had to face reality. My beautiful boyfriend committed suicide and I did not even get to say goodbye.

It was my fault. Everyone has been telling me that it wasn't, but I started an argument with him and I ended up making him leave. Leave his home. I was a disgusting excuse for a human.

I messed up big time. Who was I going to love now? Who was going to help me raise my son? Our son? I've done it this time and there was no apologizing.

The funeral reception was quiet and depressing. A lot of people came and said how much they loved Kristian. People I've never saw before.

Alice was a mess. She was trying to hold her tears in, but they all slipped at once and she fell to the floor in an outburst.

She was also upset that it was a closed casket funeral. They said that there was too much damage to be seen by the human eye.

I knew for a fact that my baby was beautiful, no matter what state he was in.

It was then time for the burying.

I've I shed not one tear since the day I found out.

They buried him as it started to pour.

Inside this place is warm, outside it starts to pour.

That was his favorite song by The Neighbourhood.

Everyone else was leaving. I stood there, in the rain with two objects in my hands.

I slowly placed the Water Lilies in front of the tombstone. In front of the Water Lilies, I placed the small black box with the sparkling ring inside down carefully.

I was never going to be able to hug or kiss him again. Make love to him, feed him, care for him like a lover anymore. I was never going to be able to see his beautiful face or smile. All I had were photos.

Getting inside the car with Ashlyn, I stared out the window.

Kristian always wanted to be a fashion designer. Maybe I could become one just for him, since I could not make him as happy as I wanted.

'Cause it's too cold for you here, and now, so let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater.


So I cried while writing this chpt. This is the last chapter. There will be a new book following this one.

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