You are riding the Train of Thoughts in My Mind.
The stops were-HOLY crap there actually is a train near us by the car. xD I heard it and we watched it go by.
That makes it all the more realistic! :D
Welcome to My Mind! (Again)
The stops you've been through are listed in the Train Tables (Table of Contents/Not really, just the chapter titles).And we're stuck in traffic. •_• Great.
Nope. Now we're moving again! :DWhere was I? Oh right! The Journey Through My Mind!
You have not yet seen the Weird Part of My Mind, nor the Hyperactive House. Or the Serious Station. Or the Bored Balloon. Or the Anger Apartments. Or the Sad Soup.
Ah, who am I kidding? I'm making this all up, but you know, I like naming the parts of my mind! :D
And you have already seen the Happy Home, and the Funny Field, and the Creativity City, and the Smart School, and the Train of Thoughts, which you are on!
So that's all of the parts of my mind.
Need it listed because you forgot? No worries, I have it here:
1. Weird Part of My Mind
2. Hyperactive House
3. Serious StationUh I'm lazy.
The Leopard's Lair
RandomWelcome everybody to my mind! It's a "lair" as I call it. I will just be putting random thoughts down here, so...yup! :D