Casey Jaxon (2015)

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I made my way to the train station, looking at everyone cautiously, hoping I wouldn't see HIM.

Casey Jaxon, 17 years old. I've heard stories, seen photos, but never met him.

"He killed somebody."

"He escaped prison."

"He is looking for his next victim."

"He knows you."

"Run, Lilly. Casey Jaxon wants to hurt you."

I told my parents I was going to visit a friend in Queensland. (A/N, I live in Victoria.)

They believed me.

So now, I have my suitcase. I have my phone. And I have my one way ticket to Western Australia.

Because if I was going to get away from HIM, I'd have to go far.

My mind ran over the possibilities of how Casey Jaxon knew me.

Did he go to my school anonymously?

Was he the kid in threw cake at me in prep?

Did he know my family?

My phone beeped. Unknown number.

"Nice suitcase."

I stopped in my tracks, and turned. I was halfway to the train station and it was getting dark.

I surveyed the area, noticing that a lot of people had phones in their hands. I typed a quick response; "Who are you?"

Only a few seconds later, my phone beeped again.

"You can call me CJ."

Casey Jaxon is following you. Run, Lilly. Casey Jaxon wants to hurt you.

I turned and ran, pulling my suitcase strenuously. I packed too much.

My phone beeped.

"You can run, but you can't hide."

Who is Casey Jaxon?

Only a few minutes later, I reached the train station, being followed by the taunting of 'CJ'. He refused to leave me alone.

I stood alone at the train station when my phone beeped once more.

Ignore it, Lilly. You're going to go crazy if you don't.

I slowly made my way towards the crowd, with hopes of staying out of sight. However, my phone beeped again.

I gave up and turned my phone off completely, waiting impatiently for the train to arrive, and when it finally did, I boarded.

I pulled my hood over my head, hoping to stay unseen. But he had already seen me. It was already too late.

I sat on the train, putting my ear buds in and playing loud music so I could block out everything, when a young man suddenly sat next to me. My eyes widened and I clutched my suitcase as if it would save my life. I didn't dare look up after that.

The train started moving, and the man next to me didn't move or speak once. At least, I don't think he did.

That was when the truth of the situation dawned on me.

I'm on a train with the guy that I got on this train to get away from.



Okay guys, I'm gonna leave it up to you if I add to this one.

Five votes says yes.

Ten comments says yes.

Doesn't have to be both, but that'd be nice :3


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