Chapter 2

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(riley' POV)

"Thank you." I turend to the vamp, she obviously had a conrtol on her hunger, her eyes were still brown. The boy at her side clearly didn't though, but his eyes were a blueish purple, in between blue and red.

"It's ok, Niall" she whipserd holding the boy's hand to calm him down. "Follow us." She turned in the oppisite direction and walked off at normal speed.

"I'm not supposed to ask this, but what's it like?"  I geuss you don't know squat about who I am. Well, while the girl ignores me and leads me away, I'll tell you. I'm what I geuss humans call a vampire slayer. I don't kill them though! Well, I mean i will if they are causeing aproblem, killing humans, going on rampages, and the like. But, no, I just go aroud to see and make sure that they aren't, i also try to keep track of how many are in the area. I knew there were a couple, but i didn't there were this many! There were only about 4 humans reported dead here, a group of that many would take out 20 easily a month! Maybe they were "veggie" vamps, but I doubt it. Wait, though, didn't that girl try to save me? maybe they are, and the boy is new . . .

Once we had been walking for about 2 miles, i finally saw a glow off to the distance.

"That the house?" I asked.

"Yes . . . let us in first, so you don't get killed." The girl explained

"Oh, I highly doubt that." I chuckled.

(Niall's POV)

"Are you seriously gonna let her inside?!" The chick was creepy! Everything from her voice to her eyes was just plain weird. Now, being a vamp is a little weird i geuss, but this was just plain not normal.

"I don't think we have a choice." Emily sighed, she walked inside and ran up to Liam, the head vamp. And with her super speed she retured with Liam and Danielle at her side. 

"Let me see her." Liam said. He went out side to the odd girl.

"Hello, I'm liam, you are?" Liam said, even though he's the leader and all, he's still a pretty nice chap.

"I'm Riley, and I'm here to make sure you all behave, or else I have no choice but to kill you and your family."

-Sorry about the short chapter, I wanted to make a cliff hanger! Next one will be longer, i pinky promise!!!!!                     -Rain Ing

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