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ROMAN is my first day of school. Not the first day but my first day. It's hella like a random day in the second semester of school here at um...Im not sure how to say it...

"Euroborous University", the Dean was showing my parents around. I think she just finished actually. Idk I wasn't paying attention.

Euroborous U is a private high school for 'gifted' kids/teens. And by gifted I don't mean smart, I don't mean slow either.

I mean people with powers. Like abilities and evolutionary skills.

We're basically like X-Men.. The Dean literally said we're "the next stage in human evolution". I wonder if that's legit or like something cliche to say, you know?

"Mr. Alexander ", the principal shoots me a look," Do you have any questions? ". I ponder for a moment.

" Where is the boys dorm? ", at this point I'm sure she knows I wasn't listening. My parents know too because they let out a simultaneous sigh as they leave the campus, they eventually waved me bye.

"Past the cafeteria building, towards the east", I was looking directly at her at this point. Her mouth didn't move but I can hear her extremely clearly. She must be using telepathy.

I form a thought in my head and visualize it coming to her, like I read online, "Are you like me? A telepath".

She seems to have heard my thoughts or picked up on them. She responded kinda rude and snobby "I am a telepath, you are not. Maybe one day you can harness your powers to become atleast half as talented as I but until then you are just a mere mind reader"

And with that she was gone. She walked away leaving me to wonder the campus by myself.

I didn't really remember where to go but thanks to signs and a random guy I found the boy's dorm. My room number was 21. I got a key when i first got here, I open the door to the dorm.

It's only one bed so I guess I have it to myself. It's a nice room. It has a computer in here already, nice lights, and a queen size bed, well it might have been king size whichever one is bigger.

My bags are already here. A nice old man brought them here. It's weird that he looks old as dirt but is still doing hard labor.

But anyway. I close the door and unpack my belongings from home. It doesnt take me long to have everything situated, I'm a really fast worker. I've became familiar with every aspect of my room over the last hour or so.

*Knock Knock*

"I must be popular already", I joke to myself. I open the door to see a overly muscular dude in a long white graphic tee, olive colored cuffed pants, a leather jacket, and white shoes, .

"Yeah", I say.

"Whatsup I'm Greer, I live in the room next to yours. I'm kinda like the den mother-father over people. I know you probably don't know your way around the school's campus, people tend to tune out Ms.Maynard. ", Greer said.

"Okay thanks", I was going to say more but I notice that he isn't looking at me anymore he's looking past me into my room.

"You've set up your entire room in less than thirty minutes.", he say walking past me into my room.

" It's more like an hour"

" No less than thirty it's my job to keep track of things like that. You see I have enhanced senses. I can hear things no one can hear, smell things from miles away, I can throw Mac trucks great distances, I have super fast reflexes, higher perception, with a dash of being smarter than most. I'm like super man without flight, and the breath, and uhh...heat vision. However I'm a great cook. "

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