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(This photo is of Sebastian and Erick Gubert')


Where am I? There was complete darkness now. I was just planted in the middle of complete darkness.

What am I going to do? I was beginning to panic when I saw a single beam of white light cascade into view.

There was then a flurry of white light then there I was back at my down the street from my childhood home.

The dark figured man was still making his way hurriedly towards me. My adrenaline started to kick in and time seemed to be slowing down.

Well no not really but I guess the adrenaline was making me panoc which is making me try to think really fast.

I remember that this is a dream or I guess a simulation would be more accurate. And I had my powers.

This man was sprinting at me and in less than a minute if I don't do something he will get me which I assume is game over for this weird assessment test thingy.

This is a dream, so do dream type shit. This makes perfect sense once I think of it.

Fuck fight or flight I can't do either anyway. As soon as he touched me everything reset. And the way he's coming at me likely he's fast on his feet and fully equipped to catch me, resulting in a reset.

I focused and made two clones of myself the ma slowed down. I assume he stopped to figure out which one was me and if I switched places with one of the clone..

This was buying me time but maybe not that much time. I figure he's going to rush at any one of us and he would have a 33.333333% chance of guessing the correct one.

Low odds but still risky. I substitute myself with a clone while masking myself so I can slip away unnoticed and I ran across the street behind a bush and tried to survive.
It seems as though I was correct he did try his chances and started running at one of the clones the clone I swapped with.

He grabbed my clone by the shirt and nothing they were just standing their.

He must know it's a clone. I have to take a precaution and get the clones away. I focus all my mind on the clone he is holding.

My clone looks like he is going to throw up. And then something crawls out of his mouth. A bird, a crow specifically.

Then rest of the clone's body is morphing into a bunch more crows.

I get an idea. I release my other two unmoved clones and they fade away in a red haze.

The dark figured man isn't fazed by them, but his eyes are following the crows that are relocating to behind him. The crows collide together to make the clone of me whole again.

I get up from behind the bush and walk in front of the dark figure. He doesn't notice me because I'm concealing myself and he is facing catty corner looking at the crow clone.

I got a glance at my clone the iris and pupils of his eyes were crimson red.

The dark figure must have just noticed this too because he faced the clone fully. This was the chance I have been waiting on.

I walk up behind the man he started walking a bit then I put my hands on either sides of his temples and repeat go to sleep while concentrating on him.

Groggily the man fell to one knee and fell over. I took this opportunity as the perfect time to run away.

I let it all go and ran as fast as I could and I saw out of my peripheral my clone burst into a flock of crows and which all sporadically flew away.

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