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(Photo is of Cheshire A'Daire)


This school is fucking weird. I mean everyone having powers is crazy ALL by itself but stalker psychics, groups of teenagers being trained to be all powerful, and a bitchy Assistant Principal...Actually now that I'm thinking about it that last one's not quite that abnormal but still.

So I got to miss all of Geometry thanks to the Terror Twins and Lord Voldermort. But I still have literature, Basic combat, and Latin.

Lit was very interesting to say the least, we read about the Holocaust and reflected on it. You know genocide is always an fun topic to cover at a school. Especially a school full of people with world changing powers. That's not unsafe whatsoever.

Basic Combat was actually interesting. This was Greer's community service hours so he helped out the teacher Mr.Cage. We're supposed to cover alot of fighting techniques consisting of : Jui Jitsu, Krav Maga, Kung Fu , Karate, and Boxing and Kick boxing. I'm terrible at boxing.

Since I'm new and dont have on the correct attire and there's an uneven amount of students I have to sit out. I was fine with that foreal. I've taken kick boxing before and Jui Jitsu plus a little karate when I was 7. I can also take a hit since I was a football player at my old school.

Sitting on the bleachers I kinda realized why everyone in here is taking basic combat. They pretty much all suck. Expect this girl (I found out later that her name is Rikki)

Out of my peripherals I see Greer walking over towards me. "How's it going?", he ask.


"Why the hesitation ?"


"Well class is almost over"

"Hey I joined Ms.Maynard's little telepath group."

Greer seemed indifferent, but I could tell that he was thinking about something.

"What's on your mind? " I ask.

Greer laughs before responding "You should already know shouldn't you"

" I can find out but I don't know"

"Well I was thinking that it would be good for you but then you may not fit in all that well."

"Whatchu mean?" he answers with a "well you seem like a cool dude, but The Gubert' Twins are for the most part asshole one more than the other, and Cheshire."

"What about Cheshire?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Well Cheshire's one of my bestfriends but she is manipulative and a little too free. But long story all 3 of them will slit your throat to get what they want. Not saying they're bad people they just..." he was cut off by the bell.

"Mr.Davis come help me with putting up these mats"

"Alright give me a moment", he told Cage, "Now Ro we'll talk about it another time" and he walked acroaa the gym to put up the mats".

I went to Latin class and was surprised to learn that magic was a real thing. In the teacher's opening statement to me she caught me up with the agenda. She spoke about how most of the english language is derived from Latin. Also how magic is real but only people with an affinity to magic or mana energy can use latin to harness it. She has a magic study hall on weekends for people with an affinity for the magical arts.

Other than that very specific conversation class was just like any other language class. Nothing really eventful happened.

The final bell rang and I packed up my things and was about to get up but before I did I heard someone talking clear as day over the teacher talking, the students feet, over everything I heard the voice.

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