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A feral scream escaped his mouth as his utterly destroyed the dirt faced bitch who took everything from him. They were gone. She was gone.

No Ones POV:

A young Hero stood by a graveyard for those lost in the war. He had a broken look about him but his face remained calm. A hundred campers and all the gods stood behind him, silent but for an occasional broken sob. The teen turned and looked out on those he once called family

"Be strong my friends, for this day shall live on in our hearts for the rest of eternity. We have lost those who are dear to us, for they were ripped away by a war, by monsters. Do not despair for we know that they have all reached the isles of the blessed. None of those who lost there lives today would stand for this self pity or depression. We must stand strong, unite as one camp and live our lives to the fullest. No longer shall monsters hunt you down. No longer shall you live in fear for your life. I shall go into the world and spend the rest of my days protecting and guiding Demigods from danger and leading them to the safety of camp."

Cries of protest from various gods and Demigods could be heard but he cut them short.

"No. I have made my decision and I wish to be cut off from the gods and left alone. I will still be there, in the background, helping where I can but I don't want to be at camp or around people who remind me of my past. Please support this choice I am making and swear on the River Styx that you will leave me in peace. Have I not done enough for you?"

Poseidon steps forward and a tear trickles down his face into his scruffy beard.
" My son. Percy.... I love you child, and will remember you. You are my favorite son ever and I give you my blessing." He stepped back and Apollo and Artimis took his place. Apollo spoke first, " you are a really awesome something Percy, I should probably mention, some sort of curse-"
Ares grunted and flushed red, "guilty." Percy sent him a glare and motioned Apollo continue.
" anyway the curse was removed somehow, and for some reason that is unclear to me, the atoms in your body were completely altered. You are something new, you aren't exactly a demigod, but something more powerful and somehow... ancient. But either way I feel bad that my Oracle has made your life so horrible especially since I think you are awesome. I give you my blessing."
Artimis cleared her throat and then said,
" Considering you are a male, you are impressive, and though I hate to say it, you have my respect. Should you need it my hunters will come if you blow this horn." She held up a beautiful silver hunting horn.
"Also, I give you my blessing."
This continued until Percy had been blessed by all the major gods, Hecate, Hestia and a few minor gods. Then the gods and Demigods as one bowed before the best thing that ever happened to them. "We swear on the River Styx to obey your wishes and leave you alone so long as that is still what you desire." They said as one and Percy smiled.
"Maybe we will meet again, maybe not. Either way this is goodbye." He stepped back and dissolved into a cloud of mist which dispersed into the air.

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