Chapter 14 (Conclusion-ish)

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Okay so this want how this was supposed to go but I just really don't like this story anymore. I wrote this conclusion but I just wanted you to know the story was actually supposed to go a completely different direction with a bunch of other awesome characters. I just can't do that and I don't have the will to continue writing this. Sorry.

Second author's note: I edited this story a second time and changed what the prophecy said so now this ending kind of works. Still sorry that it has such an abrupt ending

Third Author's note:
I added an Epilogue so this won't be as abrupt an ending as it originally was but it's still awful. Sorry again.

Tartarus' POV:
My Army is ready. Perceus Jackson's head will be on my spear by sundown.

No one's POV:
The monster army gathered together in Central Park. The mortals had long since fled. News reports were describing it as a violent mob protesting something or another. All monsters to ever live (or die) were here. Perceus would die and the world would be theirs. From the direction of the ugly Avenger tower a faint beat was heard. It grew louder with each passing second until the monsters began howling in pain. A blinding golden light caused the closest monsters to vaporize on the spot. Fearful murmuring spread through the ranks. Finally the figure was seen. Well over ten feet tall, wearing ancient Greek armor with shimmering golden skin brighter than the sun. The beat was his heavy movements, the pavement cracking with each step. When he spoke his voice was more beautiful and more terrible than anything ever heard.
"You gather together to defeat me? Well it seems you came too late. I managed to defeat myself. But do not fret. This battle with still happen. Just not as you planned it. Bye-bye"
He opened his palms and flames sweeped  through the monstrous ranks. Each and every monster was vaporized instantly. He then turned his attention to Tartarus.
"You are no longer needed." And snapped his fingers. The Primortal immediately began to scream and writhe in pain. His flesh began to crack open, revealing the golden light was eating him from the inside. With one last shout he exploded in a spectacular shower of sparks.
"I always did like fireworks."
----------------l i n e      b r e a k---------------
The world wept at his feet and so he comfort's them.
"You are free from danger. For now. Protect each other. I will still be watching out for you. Always and forever. Just as you will never forget my name. It is part of our history now. Monsters will no longer be a threat because they are permanently dead but the lives of mortal and half-blood alike will still be difficult. Keep the camps together. You will always need each other. I will miss you all. I'll tell Annabeth and the rest of the seven you all say hi."
"Goodbye Percy"
He closed his eyes and the golden glow enveloped him like a warm hug.
------------------line break-----------------------
Sea green eyes snap open and meet the gaze of gray ones.

The End

~E. R. Ruff

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