Never walk down an alley

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This is what Soul's hair is going to look like, and he's younger and without piercings so I'm basically saying that this is not him just the hair style.

Soul's Pov

OK I am going to tell you a little bit about myself first off my name is Soul, which my parents said they named me after my eyes, secondly I am a twelve year old boy genius in high school and after school I go to cram school, thirdly I have my hair length like so at the top, and people really can't tell what I look like because my hair is mostly in my face and my glasses don't help either, and I have icy blue eyes, and I have a pretty athletic build, and people hate my guts so I'm going to start my story off with how my night went.

Soul's Pov

As I was walking home from cram school at around the time of 7 maybe 8 I found my favorite group of fanboys on the corner of the alley I take to get home, and by fanboys I mean gangsters, just putting that out there, so as I drew closer I could Just feel there hatred and evilness, if you can feel that, just roll of them in huge waves and to be honest I wasn't to sure if I should keep walking in there direction so I stopped and had a mini battle in my head which went a little like this

"Keep your arse moving you pathetic excuse of a man" manly side of Soul

"He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to, and they stink so let's not" girly side of Soul

"They don't look very friendly and educated, I second her opinion of not going" nerd side of soul

"Come on it won't hurt to see what they have to say it might be a learning experience for your parents if you come home beaten up" Warrior side of Soul.

So I went with my manly and warrior side and I continue on my way and as I reached them they said
"Oh look who it is little miss Einstein"
did he just say miss, maybe I should correct him on it

"You mean mister"

"No I meant miss"

"Geez this why I don't like talking to you people your so uneducated you can't even tell what gender people are, I bet you couldn't even tell I was a man if I had my thing out and you were looking at it, thats how retarded you are"

"What did you call me punk"

"Sorry, sorry I used a big word, maybe I should've said idiot, moron, dumbass, ignorant baboon, should I go on the list is endless"

"Why you little"

"Yes I am little thank you for noticing" and then he threw a punch and I fell to the floor, already feeling the blood gush out of my nose, well that's not going to look pretty, I thought and then a felt another fist collide into my gut, and I was sure at this moment I'm probably going to loose both my shoes in the morning, if I wake up that is to know that they are gone.

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