Soul Meets the Highers Ups

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Xavier's Pov

Are A/C stopped working around 2 in the morning so I think you have a pretty good idea how hot it got in there with three people

Well anyway I felt like shit this morning but immediately sobered up when I noticed that Levy had a bucket of ice in his hand and another that he gave to me and we both grinned and dumped it on Soul and he immediately grabbed his alarm clock and pillow and threw it at us and went back to sleep.

So we started jumping up and down on his bed but he only groaned, cursed and went back to sleep, so we then sat on him but he groaned some more, so we got off and grabbed the top of his mattress, me on the right Levy on the left and we flung him off his mattress and into the wall

Which made a loud thud and a hole where his head was and we both looked at each other like "shit" cause Soul wasn't moving, until we decided to check on him was when he decided to move and he slowly turned around to sit on his ass

And then he looked up and to say he was pissed was an under statement, he was livid, his face red a vein popped up on his neck and his eyes glowed and looked very ferocious

And that was are cue to leave but before we got out the door Soul got up and roared "You bastards" and the ground and walls shook as if they to were afraid of his wrath and we looked back in time to see him grab the door and shut it with such ferocity that it cracked

Bottom all the way to the top and we decided to wait till after he had time to cool off to apologize.

Two Hours Later

"Hey Soul" I said while opening the door to see him passed out on my bed with his hair still wet but fully clothed in casual wear and I decided just to carry him piggyback to the council since I don't want to be verbally assaulted by him.

As we made our way to the forest Soul stirred and I froze to then relax when I heard his soft breathing again, shit he's small but scary, sigh,

Time Skip---------

We were deep in the forest by now and I called out the words used to ask for a conference with the council and was soon answered after a few minutes, "hmmm they answered way to fast" he thought but swept it under the rug and closed his eyes awaiting the nauseating feeling of transferring to another plain

He finally opened his eyes when he heard a guy clear his throat and looked up to be surrounded by 12 council members, all in cloaks, sitting high up on their chairs, all had an aura of superiority to them which always pissed him off, but he had to be nice.

Just this one time

Anyway one of the cloaked figures asked in an inpatient voice "What do you want"

"Better hospitality" Soul said and I froze so did Levy and we both looked up at him to see him glaring at the cloaked person who had the attitude

"What did you say little boy" the man said

"Need some hearing aids old man, I'm only going to say it once again so listen closely" and he paused for effect

"Be--t--ter hos--pi--tal--lity" he said slowly as if he's talking to a retard

And the dude was silenced, he couldn't say anything and another cloaked person burst out laughing, holding his stomach while he doubled over and he said

"He only said a few words and he put the great and powerful Sied into silence" and laughed even harder

Soul put his head down on my shoulder and looked really tired, and I was right since he fell back to sleep, but my staring was cut short when a female said

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