The Mission

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Soul's outfit when he is transformed as the opposite sex.
Soul looks like the girl with the staright hair but his hairstyle looks like the girl with the marked up face.

Xavier's Pov

I awoke to a banging on the door

"Ughhhhhhhh, who is it" I growled out

Bang, bang, bang

"Who is it" I yelled

Bang, bang, bang

"Mother fucking bastard"

Bang, bang, bang

"OMG is it that hard to get up and answer it" Soul yelled while getting up.

Soul flung the door open and said a grumpy and agitated


"The headmaster wants you three to his office pronto" said a women in a dress shirt and a long pencil skirt

"Why" Soul said while messing his hair up even more than it already is

"I'm not going to tell you why, just do it" she said venomously

"Bitch don't you dare start with me, you came here banging on the door like a rampaging gorilla at-" he looked at the alarm for the time

"4:30 in the morning giving me attitude when it's not necessary, I wasn't the one who ordered you to come here so get rid of the attitude before I get rid of it for you" he said venomously

"You need to get rid of your attitude as well, I didn't want to come here, I had too" she argued

"I deserve to have one since you came banging on the door when you could've lightly knocked, don't you guys have supernatural hearing, there was no need for the force, and your leaking your PMS on the wrong guy, take it to the headmaster, cause sweetheart I'm not a morning person and I don't like laying my hand on a women, but I'll go against my contravention and do it if you say anything more" he whispered harshly into her ear

She bowed her head and said a pitiful

"I'm so sorry sir" and ran off


"Damn harsh" Levy said after a while

Soul huffed and slide down the wall and put his head in his hand

"Shiiiiit, I didn't mean to be so harsh-" he said softly

"I just, had a shitty dream and I took it out on her" he then sighed and looked up and he looked broken and sad

"I guess I really need to practice what I preach...... huh" he said looking at us sadly

My heart ached seeing him liked this and I guess Levy's did as well by the look on his face, what did he relive that made him like this I wondered.

Few Hours Later

Soul's Pov

After my bitchy episode we each took a shower amd got dressed in are school attire, since it was a school day, and made our way to the office.

It took us 45 minutes to get to the office since Xavier had to unattached the horn dog from a beautiful teacher along the way, quite a seen if I do say so myself.

But anyway as we walked into the door the headmaster looked uneasy and said

"Oh finally your here" and he got up and made his way over to us

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