Soul's bad habits

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That's the school uniform

Soul's Pov

As I started to wake up I couldn't help but notice that I was in different clothing and definitely not in that nurses office, so being the curious 12 year old that I am I decided to get up and check my surroundings, but not before noticing the other presence in the room.

I looked right then left and finally saw a dark hooded figure sitting in the corner of the room acting all creepy like, we'll he was already creepy by not saying anything so he hit a new level of creepy, if that's possible, but anyway I decided to get an experts opinion on what to do with the guy, and so I asked my inner thoughts (like so in the beginning).

which came to everyone coming to an agreement of me jumping out the window, not caring what level of flooring were on and running as fast as I can, so I lounged for the window to be caught in mid air, shit...., note to self make sure how athletetic the person is before trying to make an escape route out the window.

Note considered and taken to heart, we'll that's done now back to the dude. I tried wiggling my way out but that only came with the success of him tightening his grip, and me pulling my shirt in a uncomfortable position and tiring my self out.

I stopped and looked up and said sarcastically "I don't have all day, are you gonna say something or keep drooling over my sexy self, which is it" I finished with a smirk.

I guess I snapped him out of whatever trance he was in and he said

"Easy kid your not the right sex to be saying you sexy"

Psh yah right you'd call me a girl if you didn't hear my voice, that's what the other kids called me back in Britain, oh well let's see what he wants to do with me,
"So......, are you going to put me down or do you like holding me"

"Oh yah sorry, just caught up in the moment" and so he let go and I fell with a thud.

"Gee, your a keeper aren't cha"

"I hate cheeky kids"

"And I hate rough adults, so I guess it's a mutual relationship"

"Tsk" and he said "Follow me" and so I did.

A Few moments later

As we made are way over to wherever he wanted me to go with him.

I saw the most peculiar person I have ever seen, he had devil horns and a tail and was red.

Is that a medical condition, if so I totally do not want it, unless I'll look like the guy in Hellboy when he opens the gate and his horns grow cause he looked really awesome in that part personally.

He made a right turn and next thing I knew we were in front of a huge door, which I personally think is not needed unless you are a giant, which don't exist, so it just looked weird.

Anyway as he opened the door I fell in love with the office. It had books and more books and guess what.... even more books, and his desk was cherry wood.

Man I want that desk, as I was drooling at the site of the desk I heard a guy clear his throat and I looked up and we stayed silent for a while.

I started to get agitated, I mean come on, he wasted at least 5.39 minutes of my life and so I said

"Any day now"

"Oh sorry, I still can't believe your a boy genius" mystery man with the awesome desk said.

Hey wait have I met him before, hmmmmmmmm oh yeah the airhead, I wonder why he brought me here and so I voiced my thoughts.

"May I ask exactly why I'm here"

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