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I woke up somewhat early to start my errands for the day. I had to a lot to do today and this was the one day I only had one uni class, so I wanted to make sure I got it all done. First, I had to go to my parent's house and pick up some important paperwork to drop off to my dad's office for him all the way across town. He needed it immediately, but I woke up a little late so I threw some clothes on and ran out the door. I drove from my apartment, 35 minutes all the way to my parent's house, then 20 more minutes in the same direction to his office. "Thank you so much princess." My dad kissed my forehead and retrieved back inside. After that, I had to go pick up my paycheck, so I had to drive almost an hour back home to the restaurant where I work. "You're so lucky you don't have to work today! Chef is being really picky right now." My co-worker, Anna, said. Then I went to put it in the bank. After that, I had to walk my elderly neighbor's dog, something I've been doing since she broke her ankle, and I'll be doing until it heals. "Thank you sweetie. Here, take this for your troubles." She handed me some money but I politely declined. "No, you don't have to-" She kept smiling cutely and put it in my hand. "Please, take it." I bowed my head and thanked her. "Be careful Mrs.Hong." I said before going back to my apartment a few doors down. It was already 2pm and I still had a lot to do. Next, I needed to attend my one class for the day which would last an hour and a half. I grabbed my books and went to my campus. While I sat in class, my phone vibrated. 'Why haven't you called or texted me yet today?' My best friend, Yoongi, asked. I sighed and replied. 'Sorry, I've been really busy. But will you be home today? I left my jacket and I want to come get it.' 'Yeah, we'll be here. But how can you not make time to text me? Am I not important to you (y/n)?' I could hear him pouting. 'I'm in class, I'll come by later!' Yoongi and I have been friends since elementary and we're very close. When we got to college, we made sure that we still lived close to each other, which we do. After my class ended at 4, I made my way over to his place to get my jacket. I didn't bother knocking and I just walked in. "I'm here!" I yelled. Yoongi's roommates , Jimin, Namjoon, and Hoseok greeted me. "Where is Yoongi?" I asked. "In the bathroom." Namjoon replied. I stood around waiting for him, and when he came out, he smiled and gave me a hug. "Where is it?" "Ah, It's in my room." He was about to go get it, but I already starred making my way there. I looked around until I saw it laying on his bed. I grabbed it and left the room. "Thanks, see you later." I was about to leave, but his other roommate Jin stopped me. "Wait, are you hungry?" He asked. Just then, I realized that I hadn't eaten all day. Then I remembered I still had a lot to do and didn't have time to sit down for a meal. "I'm good, thanks." "Are you in a hurry?" "Well, I've been running around all day because I have so much to do." "Well what did you eat today?" "Um-" I trailed off and he gasped. "Sit down and eat with us." "But I still have to-" "Sit down. I'm sure whatever it is can wait." I sighed and joined them. "You should be scolded for not eating." Jin said. "Sorry." I said quietly. "Here." Jin held his chopsticks up to my mouth and I ate. Before I got to pick up my own utensils, Jimin scooped up some rice and fed it to me. I looked over at Yoongi who seemed to be glaring at them. "Is it good?" Jin asked. I nodded and put two thumbs up, smiling cutely with my mouth full. He smiled and patted my head. After we ate, I helped Jin with the dishes. The radio was playing and Jin started dancing, making me laugh. I have no idea what he was doing, but it was funny. He grabbed my hands and started making me dance with him. I guess Yoongi came out to see what all the commotion was because he was standing in the doorway. He didn't look to happy. I looked at him and stopped dancing. "Are you okay?" I asked. I ignored me and went to his room. "I wonder what his problem is." I mumbled. I finished the dishes and went to his room. "Yoongi?" I called, slowly opening the door. He was laying face down on his bed. I went over and sat next to him. "Hey." I poked him. "What's wrong?" "I don't know, why don't you go ask your best buddy Jin." He said into his pillow. "Ah, so that's what this is about. Are you jealous of my close relationship with him?" I expected him to say no, but sat up. "Yes! You're my best friend, not his." He pouted. "Well, I can have other friends, right?" I guess, but, I want you all to myself." He mumbled. "Don't you think you're being a little selfish?" He put his head in my lap and looked up at me. "What's wrong with being selfish every now and then?" I ran my fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes. "I didn't expect to stay anyway, it just turned out that way." I said. His eyes shot open. "But why didn't you eat anything all day?! Do you want to die?" I giggled. "It's not like I intended to. I wasn't going to starve to death." "It's not even about starving to death, I would've killed you before that happened." I laughed hard and hunched forward, not realizing how close my face was to his. His eyes widened. "I'm sorry." I whispered. I was about to sit back up, but he grabbed my head and pulled me back down and kissed me. He slowly let go of my head and I sat up. He looked at me lovingly and sat up. "What was that?" I asked. "I figured that the only way I would have to all to myself is if I become you're boyfriend. That way only I can feed you and dance with you. Do you know how mad I was?" I was trying to process what happened and looked at him. "Why so sudden?" I asked. "It's not really sudden. I've liked you for a while." He said nonchalantly. I grabbed my hand and looked at me. "So what do you say? Will you let me be your boyfriend?" I was a little shocked but smiled and nodded. "Yes." He smiled. "Good, now no more dancing with Jin! Or eating off anyone besides me." "Yes sir." I said. He smirked. "Oh, so you're that type of girl." My eyes widened. "Don't take that the wrong way you pervert!" I yelled.

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