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Our chests rose and fell together, our bodies entangled with each other as we laid on my bed, desperately wanting to drift off to sleep. Sleeping like this would be our biggest mistake, so forcing ourselves to stay up was the only option. 

"I have to go soon," Jungkook said as he played with my hair. 

"I know," I said, "I wish you could stay, though," 

"You know why I can't," 

I sighed and sat up, using the sheets to cover myself. "Well, you still have some time left," I combed my fingers through my hair and Jungkook put his arms behind his head. "I wish we didn't have to do this," I whispered. 

Jungkook averted his eyes towards me. He reached out and grabbed my hand, squeezing it. My mind was disrupted by the slight shaking in my room from the garage door. My eyes shot up and my heat pounded. 

"My mom is home early," I said, looking over at Jungkook. "You have to go!" 

We both scrambled to get dressed and I shooed him to my window, trying to sneak him out before she noticed. I pulled the curtain back and he lifted the window, swinging a leg over. 

"I love you," He said, halfway out. 

"I love you too," He pecked my lips. "Now go!" 

I watched him step into the roof of the oning and swing down the side of the house. He turned back to me and waved. I blew him his kiss and urged him to be out of sight. He ran down the block where he parked, just in case something like this happened, and drove off. I sighed as he disappeared down the road, and closed my window. 

"I brought food home," My mom's voice made me jump seeing as she was right in my doorway, 

"Oh, I-I'll be right down," I said. 

"Alright, jumpy," 

She gave me a weird look and went back downstairs. I went to the mirror, fixed my appearance and followed. In the kitchen, my mother was standing at the counter with two plates and forks. Handing one to me, she then opened the Chinese take out and piled her plate. I got the drinks, then did the same and we sat down. 

"So, how was your day?" She asked. 


"As usual," She said. "I'm just glad it's Friday," She said with a sigh.

 I nodded and felt my phone vibrate in my lap. I looked down at the text from Jungkook. He thinks he left his wallet here. I told him to meet me at the park in a half hour and I'll bring it to him. 

"So, any plans this weekend?" She asked. 

"Huh? Um, no," I said quietly. 

"Well, how about we have some mother-daughter bonding time?" 

"Sure, whatever," I mumbled. 

After dinner, we took care of our plates and the food, then I went upstairs to look for Jungkook's wallet. I looked all on the floor, under my bed, on my nightstand, dresser, I couldn't find it. 

"Looking for something?" My mom made me jump again. She laughed. "Well, you're just jumpy tonight, I wonder why," She said, crossing her arms. "Are you looking for this?" She held up Jungkook's wallet and my blood turned cold. 


"I found it outside under your window after I heard something fall from the roof," She walked closer to me and held the wallet out. I slowly went to grab it, but she pulled it back. "In exchange for your phone," She said. 

Without a word, I slowly gave her my phone, she snatched it and threw Jungkook's wallet on my bed. 

"You might at well ship it to him, because you're never seeing each other again," She said. "I already told you that you were forbidden to see that boy. And now you're sneaking him in and out of the house?!" 

"Why don't you want us to see each other?!"  

"(Y/n), I've told you why, he's trouble! Look at the way he dresses! I don't want you getting tangled in with him- ugh, turn this damn thing off! It keeps vibrating," My mom handed me my phone back. 

I thought for a second. I snatched the phone and the wallet and ran past her, out the door and to the park. I heard my name being called, but I ignored. I knew I was going to be in so much trouble, but I wanted to at least explain to Jungkook why I won't be seeing, texting or calling him for the next 50 years. As I was running out of breath, I saw Jungkook sitting on the park bench looking at his phone. 

"Jungkook!" He looked up and saw me running. He was surprised and caught me as I ran into his arms. "I-I can't see you anymore," I said in between breaths. 

"Wait, what?" 

"My mom found your wallet. We're busted," I said, crying into his chest. I didn't know if it was from sadness or the pain from my burning lungs. He wrapped his arms around me and pet my hair, still trying to fathom. 

"Get your hands off her!" My mom came up and pried Jungkook's arms off me. "(Y/n), get in the car, now!" 

"No," I mumbled. 

She tilted her head. "What?" 

"I said no," I went over and grabbed Jungkook's arm. "I-I love him," I said. 

She scoffed. "You don't even know what love is," 

"Didn't you say you fell in love with dad because he was a 'bad boy'?" 

"Yeah, but look what happened! We ended in divorce! He wasn't ready to settle down," 

"Because you drove him away!" I yelled. "You're too controlling! If I was dad, I would've left too," I said through gritted teeth. 

She was surprised. "What did you just say?" 

"You heard me, mother. Look, I love Jungkook, and he loves me," 

"It's true," Jungkook said. "I would never do anything to hurt your daughter, ever. I'm sorry for disobeying your wishes and still saw her behind your back. I just love her so much, not seeing her made my heart hurt. Please, you have to understand," He pleaded. 

My mother thought for a second and shook her head. "Fine, you get one chance to prove to me that you are a good guy. You come for dinner tomorrow, you got it?" 

Jungkook quickly nodded his head. "Of course, I won't disappoint you," 

"Alright. Well (y/n), come on, it's getting late anyways," 

I couldn't hide my smile. I handed Jungkook his wallet back and kissed him. "I'll see you tomorrow," I whispered.

Jungkook proved to my mom that he wasn't as bad as she thought. She was, of course, reluctant at first, but soon came around, under one rule: no more sneaking. 

"You're welcome to use to front door now!" Were her exact words. "You obviously love my daughter, and she loves you, I can't break that apart," She said. 

"Thank you, you won't regret it,"

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