54.Jimin (Part 5)

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Jimin's POV

It's actually been pretty nice having (y/n) around. She always hangs out with me and my friends, they don't know of course. She's funny, cheers me up when I'm down, helps me study, and sometimes I forget she's a ghost. We've been friends for about 1 month now and she's basically been living in my apartment. She insisted that I sleep in my bed and she will take the couch, but every morning when I wake up, she's right next to me anyway. I don't have a problem with it, but it took a bit of adjustment. The reason she was able to set foot in my house was because I reversed the blessing that my grandmother put on it to keep the spirits out which allowed her to enter. I kept the blessing on me, not because I still don't trust (y/n), because I do now, but you never know what other spirits are out there trying to posses. Since she's been here, (y/n) hasn't possessed anyone since she's been by my side 24/7. I don't mind though, I grew to really like her. I almost feel like I've developed romantic feelings, but I'm not sure. I know I can't though because we aren't the same. She just seems so alive at times, that I forget the circumstances. Sometimes I wonder what (y/n) really thinks of me. Then I remember if she didn't like me, she would've left a long time ago. I'm just glad she stuck around. It was early morning on a Saturday. (Y/n) was still sleeping in my bed and I was sitting at the dining table eating cereal. I was about to take a bite, but my phone started vibrating. I looked at the screen and it was my grandmother. I always get anxious when she calls because I think she will figure out about the ghost that's been living on my home. "Good morning, grandma." I said. "Morning, how are you?" "I'm fine-" "Are you sure?" "Y-Yes, why?" "I don't know. I just have this really weird feeling. The least couple of times we talked, something didn't feel right and I'm having that feeling again right now. Are you sure everything is alright?" "Yes, I'm sure-" "I'm coming over." My heart stopped for a second. "Huh? Oh, you don't have too, you're probably busy-" "No, coming over today. I'll see you soon." Then she hung up. I sat there in shock. If she comes here and finds (y/n), my grandmother will cast her away. Then what? I can't let her know. "Good morning!" (Y/n) said cheerfully as she skipped out of my room. "Morning, what's got you in a good mood?" I asked, smiling to myself. She plopped down in the seat in front of me. "Hmm, nothing in particular. Just waking up another day in paradise, I guess." She said, leaning back in the chair. "Paradise? I'm sure this apartment is far from it." I replied. "Not to me. This is the first time I had a place to call home." She said. "Not since I died." She whispered. She looked a little sad so I changed the subject. I had to find a way to get (y/n) out of the house before my grandma got there. "Hey (y/n), is there anything you want to do today?" I asked. "Mm, not really. I'd rather just stay home." "Are you sure? There's nothing you want to do?" "Well I don't know, why?" "Uh, I don't know. Oh! Uh, I have a surprise for you." She gasped. "Really?! What is it?" "Um, you'll just have to wait and see. I'm gonna need you to leave the house for the day while I get it ready." I said. "Ah!" She squealed. "This is so exciting! How long do I have to be gone?" She asked. "Um, be back at around 6ish." I said, sounding more like a question. Knowing my grandmother, she probably won't be here as early as she said she'll be and she'll be here forever. "6? That's all day." She said. "Yeah, well it's a special surprise." I said. "Well, alright. I can't wait to see what it is!" I sighed in relief after (y/n) left. I re-blessed my apartment so my grandma didn't suspect anything and I was able to get everything back to normal before she got there which was around noon. "Jimin! My darling grandson, how are you?" My grandma kissed my cheeks and let herself in. "How are things, are you eating? You taking care of yourself?" "Yes grandma, I'm doing fine." "Good, I was just coming over because I was worried about you. You don't call as much and when I call you, you keep our calls short, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." She said. "Well thanks for caring." I said. "I'm your grandmother, of course I care. But that's not all." "No?" She started pacing around my apartment. "Something is off. I can't help but sense a presence. Something is attached to you, Jimin. But I'm not sure what." She turned to face me. "Have you been doing the rituals like we practiced?" She asked. No. "Of course! There's nothing here or around me. Something must be off balance with the moon and the stars or something, look, there's nothing to worry about. Okay?" "I don't know Jimin-" "Trust me, if something was going on, I would tell you." I felt bad for lying to my grandma, but I didn't know what else to do. "Alright, if you say so." Since she was already over, she insisted on making me a ton of food to last me for the next couple days, then she left. It was 4 and (y/n) would be back in two hours. "(Y/n)!" I completely forgot that I had a surprise for her! What am I gonna do? I looked around to try to get some ideas, then my eyes landed on the food. Of course! First, I ran around the corner and picked up some roses, then I went through my cabinets and closets and found some blankets and candles. The sun was setting and I went out on the patio and opened up the blankets. Good thing there was only a soft breeze so I was able to light the candles without them blowing out. I went into the kitchen and set the food out nicely on a tray and brought it out to the blanket. I tore the pedals off of the roses and sprinkled them around the blanket. I took one last look at it. It looked like a date. I wonder why I went all out like I did. She isn't even my girlfriend. It was almost 6 so I went back inside and closed the curtains so (y/n) doesn't see it. I plopped on the couch but quickly got back up. I almost forgot to reverse the blessing again, but luckily I did it in time because (y/n) opened the door right when I finished.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Can I come it?!" I yelled. "Yeah!" I poked my head through and hopped inside. "Hi Jimin!" I ran to him and gave him a hug. "It was so boring without you." I pouted. He smiled and chuckled. "So, where's my surprise?" "Right this way." He led my to the balcony and pulled back the curtains and I gasped. He slid the door open and grabbed my hand, taking me outside. "Jimin! This is so pretty!" I sat down on the blankets. "It looks like something couples would do." I said. He sat down next to me and I sighed happily. "Did it really take you all day to do this?" I asked. "Yes." I laughed and looked at the food. "Did you make this?" "Uh, ye-yes." "I thought you only cooked rice and cereal." I said. "Very funny." I looked back at the food and sighed quietly. "It looks good." I whispered. "Too bad I can't eat it." Jimin looked like he wanted to slap himself. "Well, have you tried?" "Not in a long time, but last time I did, I couldn't even lift the food to my mouth, it went right through my hand." "Well, it wouldn't hurt to try again, right?" "I guess not." I concentrated really hard and put my hand out. The first time I tried, I couldn't grasp the fork. The second time, nothing. Jimin was watching intently as if he was trying to use his mind to help me. The third time, I focused has hard as I could. I was holding my breath as I touched the fork. Yes, I touched it. The cold silver made my fingers tingle and I held it up slowly. "Jimin, look!" I whispered. "You did it." He smiled. "I did it!" I slowly brought the food to my mouth and before I knew it, the flavors traveled around my mouth and I smiled. Jimin put his hand on my shoulder. "How is it?" "It's good!" Jimin and I ended up eating everything and by the time the sun was down, we were stuffed. We both laid back and looked up and the sky. "Can I ask you something?" Jimin asked me. "Sure." "How did you, you know, end up like this?" I sighed. "You don't have to answer." "No, actually, I don't know." "You don't?" "No. It's weird. Every time I think about it, my head starts to hurt. I don't even remember how my life was before." I said. There was a pause and Jimin spoke up. "Do you want to know?" "Everyday I wonder. I just- never mind. Can we go inside now? It's getting cold." I said chuckling. I took all the dishes inside as Jimin blew out the candles and got the blankets. Me and Jimin sat on the couch and let our food settle. I put my head on Jimin's shoulders and closed my eyes. "Are you tired?" He asked. I nodded. "Go on to bed, I'll clean up." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, go on." "Alright." I wobbled to Jimin's room and laid on his bed. I closed my eyes, but right then, I heard the front door open. I didn't bother getting up, curious, I just listened. I was getting comfortable, but a pain shot through my chest and I sat up. "Jimin! Why has the blessing been undone?!" I heard a woman yell. "Grandma? W-What are you doing back?" "I felt uneasy so I came back. I knew something was up!" I got up and peaked out of Jimin's room "Why has the blessing been undone? Huh?" The woman was turned around and Jimin gestured for me to go back in the room and I did. Something about that woman made me feel anxious. "Where is it?!" She asked. "Show yourself evil spirit!" Was she talking about me? I heard loud footsteps coming towards the room and I froze. "N-No-" The door swung open. The woman made eye contact with me. "There you are."

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