Communication Skills Magic - Personality & Relationships, Chpt.3

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Chapter 3

The DISC Behavioral Model

Ø  Most People’s Behaviors are Highly Predictable

Ø  Understanding Your Behavioral Style

Ø  Understanding Others’ Behavioral Styles

Ø  Common Characteristics of the Four Behavioral Styles

Ø  Common Characteristics: A Humorous Look J

Ø  Funny and Practical “Facts” - Fast Pace vs. Moderate Paced individuals 

Ø  Funny and Practical “Facts” - Task Oriented vs. People Oriented

Ø  How to Recognize Different Behavioral Styles

Ø  General Tendencies of the Four DISC Styles

Ø  DISC Statistics

Ø  You Are in Charge of Your Behavior

Ø  Power Tip #3: Avoid Judging Others…

Most People’s Behaviors Are Highly Predictable

Our day to day life experiences are greatly shaped by our perception of the world, our behaviors, and perception of those around us – and therefore how we relate to people and events. But we also posses certain traits that we are born with that contribute to a great extent to shaping our personalities and behaviors, and hence determine to a high degree how we relate to the world (and people) around us. Due to this mix, we are all unique beings creating a colorful world of diverse behaviors

While it is a fact that we humans are extremely complex beings, displaying infinitely diverse behaviors, it might surprise you to see that based on some observable behavioral clues, how very much predictable many of our behaviors tend to be. 

We have known at least since Hippocrates (circa 400 BC) that there were four main behavioral styles (or temperaments, as Hippocrates called them) and those findings were supported by modern research as well (though his original theory of bodily fluids influencing one’s temperament was discredited).  The four styles are rather easy to recognize once one learns what clues to look for.

 The clues to one’s behavioral style are few and simple. Research[1] has shown that we tend to display a specific set of behaviors based on two factors (or clues):

(1) a person’s pace and

(2) a person’s people vs. task orientation. (See Fig. 3.1)


The DISC Behavioral Model does not suggest that we are stuck in one behavioral style or another (!).  It is designed to raise awareness of our behavioral tendencies; then use this knowledge to take control – or gain acceptance – of our weaknesses and limitations, while focusing on capitalizing on our strengths.

Clue #1: Pace

Does this person usually move and talk at a faster pace OR more moderate pace?

Some of us tend to be more

1) outgoing: speak fast, move fast, bring quick decisions; while others tend to be more

2) reserved: move and talk at a more moderate pace, as well as take their time to think through all variables before bringing a decision.

Obviously, it is easy to recognize those who display behaviors from either of these two extremes; many individuals, however, are somewhere on the continuum in between the two extremes.

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