Chapter 1: Introduction.

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Hey, My name is Wendy. I'm an 18 years old girl from some place in Cheshire. I got brown, wavy hair and an grey eyes (but sometimes it's turning green). I'm a friend of Harry Styles from One Direction. Actually I grew up with him, I worked with him too, at the bakery, that owned by my dad. I love to read books, I also love cats and by the way I have one, Alice. When me and Harry was at our young age, we always play with Alice and Molly. Sadly, Harry don't have time to hang out with me now, because of his' busy schedule with the boys (One Direction boys). But we used to hang out like once a month.

Few months ago. At the bake shop.

"Mum, dad, were going now, Jake's here now!" I waved as I go out from the cashier and Jake gave me a hug. Jake is my 5 months boyfriend. He is a student in my school too.

"Hey babe" He gave me a kiss on my cheeks.

"Jake, mum and dad's here! Stop that!" I giggled.

"Hey sir, ma'am, Were going now!" He chirped.

"Okay, take care sweetie! Jakey boy, Take care of our princess!"

"If you done a wrong move you'll be gone!" My dad added.

"Daddy!" I hissed at him.

"What?!" He rambled.

"Come on babe!" I dragged Jake outside.

"Bye, Mr & Mrs. Wakefield!" Jake waved bye.

A few hours later. My phone rang. (Mummie <3)


"Honey, come home! Faster! Your dad needs you!"

"Why, mum?! What happen to daddy?!"

"His heart attacks again!"

"What?! Okay mum, bring him to the hospital and We'll just follow there"

"Okay, Honey, come faster!"

"Okay, mum, bye!" Hungs up phone.

"Who's that babe?" Jake asked. Saw me looking worried.

"What happen?!"

"Babe, My dad's at the hospital!" I cried.

"Okay, let's go!" We ride his' car and he drived to the hospital. As we reach the hospital, we walk off the car and we rapidly go in.

"Mum!" I called her as I saw her at the ER hallway.

"Oh, Honey!" She cried and gave me a big hug.

"Mum! Is he okay?!" I whined.

"I don't know!" She worriedly said as the doctor walk out from the ER.

"Doctor!" My mum called him as she approached him.

"What happen to him?"

"What happen to my dad?!" I cried.

"Are you Mrs. Wakefield?" The doctor asked my mum.

"Yes, how's my husband?" She criedly asked.

"I'm really sorried to say this, but your husband is on coma, and..." The doctor said as it turns into a whisper.

"What?! And...?!" I cried.

"His g--" The doctor said as my mum cut him.

"No! Don't continue, Please" My mum said as she cried and I gave her a hug as we both cry, a lot.

A few months later. At the hospital.

"tit... tit... tit... tooooooooooooooot" The machine connected to him said.

"Dad?" I woke up as I heared the machine.

"Jake! call a doctor!" I yelled.

"Dad! Daddy! Please! Don't leave us!" I cried as the doctor with two nurses came in.

"Babe, let's go..." Jake said as he dragged me out of dad's room.

"Honey? What happen?!" My mum walked towards us. She go home to cook lunch for us.

"Mum!" I cried as I hugged her tight.


How's this? First chapter... I think it's a prologue... Just read it! Haha I can't figure it, if it's a prologue or a chapter... Okay, Just enjoy what you are reading... (:

~Cathie. Xox

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