The Twist- Beast and Beauty 6

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this is dedicated to someone who has left me alone for a week and ive been very sad:( wha wha okay ill stop:)

oh and dont worry Pumpkin it wassnt you but.. well yea you were actually part of it:)

Beast and Beauty


"Yes it's me!" Aidrin shouts from the street. My heart stops in my chest and I find I can't breathe. I watch as the princess yanks off her velvet hood and a collective gasp runs through the crowd. My eyes flit around and I see people scattering everywhere and running into their shops and homes while mothers cover their kids eyes. A sharp pain in my chest restarts my breathing and I feel bad that this is happening, but when I look over at Aidrin I don't see any hurt on her face; its as if she's oblivious. I look up to Aron's shocked face as he speaks.

"Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I was going back to see you!" Princess Aidrin exclaims happily. That's all it takes. I don't stay to see what Aron says back to her. I didn't want to hear his confession of his love to her and to watch what I couldn't do as she changed back. I didn't even want to see what she looked like, I would rather just remember her as ugly the I could match it with the look of her soul.

When I used to have friends they would talk about how a girl would break their heart, how it felt. They described how it was like being stabbed but I don't think they remembered to tell me how it also felt like the knife was cutting your heart out and ripping it right out of your chest. I couldn't breathe anymore. I had denied it until now how I had been falling for Aidrin but there was no point anymore, my heart knew what was going on.

I ran to the stable and managed to get to Brekkan's stall before the tears came. I cried and cried until the tears dried. Yet still I cried.



"I was going back to see you!" I shout excitedly. I look up at Aron beaming but his shock turns to a disgusted look.

"Why? Weren't you banished anyways?"

"Yes, but my curse can be broken when someone loves me!"

"I already told you I didn't want to see you. Why would anyone love someone like you anyways?" Aron snorts.

 "But- but my flower," I stutter and look down at my palm. The orange flower has now closed up a little more but it still remains halfway open. "Look Aron! It's still open you see, it means you still love me." Aron peers down cautiously down from his horse and glances at my hand.

"So?" he says, waving away my thoughts. "It doesn't mean it's me." I stand there with my mouth open and close it with a snap. Aron was right, it didn't mean it was him. A tear silently slips out of my eye when I look up at him.

"Then who is it?"

"Not my problem. See ya Ugly. Actually I won't," Aron sneers and trots off the lane with his sky blue cape flowing. Now the tears really do start to pour. Aron never loved me, it was only because of my looks. The harsh words pounded in my head as reality set in. I turned around in circles in the empty town square looking for the comforting words that Jace would surely say, but he was no where to be found.

I have lost everything.


Images of the last time I had seen Aron flooded through my mind as I ran through the empty streets, just trying to find my way back to the stable that I couldn't remember.

I was back in Falayshia, at a little town I had run back to after being cast out at the Crowsdon border. It just so happens that Aron's manor was there in Knocksille so I had of course gone to see him, believing that he would break my curse. Of course it was his maid that opened the door, who had screamed and slammed it in my face. But I refused to let that get in the way of seeing my Fiancee so I awkwardly climbed up to his terrace on a flowering vine and jumped up on the balcony.

"Aron?" I had called into the dimly lit room. I see him sitting at his desk, probably writing a letter to someone. He looks up at the sound of my voice and lets out a stream of curses at the sight of me.


"Yes!" I squeal excitedly and rush towards him. Aron screams.

"Get out of my room you monster!" he yells when I come into the full light. "Get out of here and never show your face again!" He shoves me back out over the terrace and I fall into the fountain.

The pain of reliving that moment shook me out of my daydream and I found that I had kneeled on the ground with my head bowed and tears streaming out of my dark lifeless eyes. Why did I have to be so mean to that servant boy? All he had ever done was be nice to me and all he wanted was a day off. Of course I had been so mean to him, saying he couldn't have possibly wanted to have the day off for a date, which he did, because he was too ugly for any girl to want to ever even get near him. Of course that boy had to have been Bendila the witch's son.

I have lost everything.

The words repeated in my head again and I let out another sob. For some reason Jace leaving me stranded was so much worse than all that has happened to me in the last couple weeks. My parents and Aron loved me for only one reason, my beauty. But since that was gone there was no love left for my ugly self and I was cast out.

Not Jace though, everything was so different with him, like who I was on the inside really mattered.

I needed to find him, and now. Talking to myself has made me realize something...

I got up and looked around before seeing a sign about a quarter of the way down the street that read STABLES. I quickly followed the line of signs and arrows until I finally got to the big chipped red barn. I ran down the aisles while pulling up my skirts and I couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing Jace again and telling him everything. Thinking about how he'd confess how he loved me too and swoop me up in his arms made my heart beat faster and my pace quicken.

"Jace!" I called when I reached Brekkan's stable. My smile faded fast as I turned and saw that in his place was an empty stall with a note tacked onto the half door. Blinking the flooding tears back again I slowly read the letter.


Hey guys:) this is the last actual chapter of Beast and Beauty..:( sad i know.. But i have windowPain coming out after so as a Rapunzel remake about a girl named starling so please stay tuned for that!

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