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"Mukundo Babu asked you to perform with him? On the stage?" It had been six months since she had started learning from him.

Piyali nodded her eyes glued to the ground.

"Shouldn't you be like jumping in and out right now? Isn't it like a dream come true?"

"He is angry, Sonali. Very angry."


"When I told him I can't perform, he was furious."

"Wha... Wait... You refused?"

"Of course. I did. You know very well I can't perform."

"Why not?"

"Ma doesn't like it, Sonali. That's the understanding. I won't leave music. But it will never be my profession."

"Arr... Then don't make it your profession. One performance can't hurt..."

"It will hurt her. She would think I am changing my mind. And who knows... I might just get lured into it..."

"And now Mukundo Babu is angry. What did you tell him? Why can't you perform?"

"I told him whatever came to my mind then. That I have a stage-fright. And that I need to study for exams..."

"But not the truth?"

"He isn't expected to understand her, Sonali. I am not going to badmouth my mother before him."

"What now?"

"He hasn't disowned me or anything," Piyali smiled sadly, "Hopefully he will be able to forgive me."


"I know that you are lying to me. And I am very disappointed about it," he told her the next day, "But..." He let out a sigh before continuing, "I don't know what it is. There is something special about you. I can't turn you away. May your devotion to music never falter!"

She listened with a bowed head. Tears flowed down her cheeks. She did not wipe them. He did not ask her to. They sat there and no practice happened until others came in at six.

He didn't mention it after that. Their conversations got back to normal slowly. He even gave her a pass to the concert without showing any signs of resentment.


During the concert, two faces stood out for him as he sang on the stage. One was Aporna sitting in the first row, a plastic smile on her lips, her eyes gleaming with excitement. She sat still, extremely careful about her new Jamdani saree. Second was Piyali sitting in the third row, her eyes closed, tears flowing down as she listened to him perform. She was wearing her red and black birthday dress. The best she had?

"Why were you crying last night?" he asked her the next morning. The concert running till late night had not affected their morning routine.

"You... You noticed?" she was caught off-guard.

"Umhmm... More tears than the heroines of the soaps Aporna watches. Had to notice."

She gave a small smile, "What can I say... It was your performance... I was overwhelmed."

"Why didn't you agree to perform with me?" he suddenly sprang the question at her. He had decided earlier that he wouldn't. But it had started gnawing at him again since last night.

She looked up startled; then averted her eyes.

"I am not angry at you, Piyali. I tried, but I couldn't remain angry at you. But I need to know. Why?"

"I won't think of disrespecting you even in my worst nightmares, Mukundo Babu. But must you make it so difficult for me? I am a nobody. Too small for you to bother about."

"Is that what you think?"

"Don't ask me these questions, Mukundo Babu," perplexed, she rubbed her temples, "Everything I say to you turns out to be wrong. I don't know what to say any longer."

"Fine!" he sighed and resolved to not bother her. He would behave normally. He would will himself to behave normally. "But here is something you must know. If by any chance, lack of confidence is the reason, then let me tell you that you are not a nobody, not ordinary. You are very special, Piyali. Very special."

She felt a chill run down her spine. She dared not meet his eyes.

He cleared his throat and said, "Let's start. MaruBihag." 

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