Lovers' High

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Before starting their practice the next morning, he spent a good fifteen minutes talking to her about her daily routine. It was packed! After the morning practice, she went to give tuition at 8.30; then rushed to college. She gave three more tuitions after college. The couple of hours she had in between she spent in the city library near college catching up on her studies. Sometimes she went to Sonali's house, which was also nearby, and practised there. And when she didn't feel like either studying or practising, she and Sonali would laze around in the park next to city library. She would reach home by eight, study a little, eat and then sleep by ten to be able to get up at four in the morning.

"Where do you eat?"

"Ma cooks for me at night itself. I carry the tiffin."

"Breakfast as well as lunch?"

"And evening snacks," she chuckled, "Going back home in between would waste too much of time."

"Hmm..." There was no way he could ask her to find more time for himself. But he could find time for her!



"Mukundo Babu!" Piyali sprang out of the chair. Had she become so obsessed that she was hallucinating about him in the city library?

"Me indeed!"

She shook her head and smiled.

"I was passing by," he lied, "And figured you would be here."

She stood silent smiling politely.

"Am I disturbing you?"

"No. No. Not at all. Sonali was not around today. That's why I came here. I don't feel like studying at all today."

"Let's go out then. It is difficult to talk here," 'No talking' signs were scattered around with generous abandon in the library.

"Okay," she tried to maintain outward calm as her heart threatened to slide up into her throat.

They ran into Sonali on their way out of the library.

"Piyali, did you know..." she stopped in her tracks. Her friend had company! She had seen his photographs in the papers and had also attended some of his stage performances. But it took her a moment to identify him so closely, in person.

Piyali gulped hard and introduced them. "Sonali. Mukundo Babu."

"Yes. Of course," Sonali laughed nervously, "Who doesn't know him? Nomoshkaar, Mukundo Babu."

"Nomoshkaar," Mukundo replied with a politeness that made Piyali smile. He hadn't been like that with her when they had first met.

"I... I just came to tell you that there are no classes tomorrow. There is a strike," Sonali addressed her friend.


Sonali shrugged, "Anyway. I will get going... You are busy."

"We were just going for some coffee," Mukundo interjected, "Why don't you join us?" Piyali looked at Mukundo questioningly. Were they? Going for coffee? But he was looking at Sonali.

"Thanks, Mukundo Babu. But I need to be at home. So, I will excuse myself. Bye."

Piyali followed him quietly and hesitated when they reached his car. The memory of her last encounter with the car was still fresh. Mukundo walked ahead and opened the passenger door for her. Piyali flushed, but his smile was friendly, and his gaze at her fond. He wasn't mocking her. He wasn't even thinking of that possibility. She climbed in and he closed the door after her, not too hard, just right!

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