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"I will also have coffee," Sumedha declared excitedly. Mukundo and Piyali had spoken to Debangi. After initial shock and hesitation, she had not only accepted them, but had been on cloud nine. She had sent them out while she prepared an elaborate dinner for them. She refused to let even Piyali help. "He would want to go sight-seeing in Darjeeling. You take him around. And the child too. The hostels are so suffocating." So, they were spending the afternoon in the city and had walked into a coffee shop.

"Since when did you start drinking coffee?" Mukundo frowned.

"Since you sent me to the hostel and made me eat this horrible mess food," she replied with mock insolence and pouted.

He looked at his daughter with a mixture of regret and fondness. She was sitting across him, next to Piyali. Piyali patted her head and said, "Don't worry. No more mess food for you now. You will make me her official guardian, won't you, Mukundo Babu? She will live with me and be a day scholar."

"But... Won't we all just go back to Kolkata?"

"Not until she finishes +2. This isn't the time to change schools. We will practise together in the morning. Right, Sumedha? You can also relocate here and join us, if you want to," she gave him a challenging look.

"All right," he threw up his hands, "I am at the mercy of you two. Whatever you decide."

The waiter came and he ordered cappuccinos for all of them.

"And French Fries," Sumedha added and Mukundo nodded.

Sumedha choked on the first sip of coffee.

"What happened?" Piyali asked, alarmed.

"This is so... bitter."

"Strong," Piyali and Mukundo said in together and then broke into laughter when they looked at each other.

"What happened?" Sumedha was puzzled.

"Nothing. Let's get you some extra milk," Piyali replied and called the waiter, barely able to suppress her grin.

"Yeah. The coffee in the canteen is much milkier."

Piyali and Mukundo looked at each other again, amused at old recollections.

The bill was to be paid at the counter. They waited while he paid the bill.

"It was some private joke, wasn't it, Miss?" Sumedha asked Piyali, when they were alone.


"Strong coffee?"

Piyali smiled nervously.

"It's so good to see him like this," she continued, "I had given up all hope. You have no idea how much I have missed him. And practising with him."

Piyali's eyes grew moist. "I know, Sumedha. I know exactly how you felt." She held her hands, "I had lost my father when I was your age. But you should be happy. You have your father back."

"Yes," she smiled, "Thanks to you, Miss."

She caressed her cheek and said, "You can call me, Piyali."

"Or..." she hesitated, "I know you are not that old, but may be... Ma?"

Piyali was too surprised to react for a moment. Then joy and gratitude overwhelmed her. She pulled Sumedha towards her and pressed her to her bosom. She had reconciled herself to the idea of not experiencing motherhood long back. But here was her chance. She kissed her head.

When she let her go, she realized that Mukundo was standing behind them and had heard them. He bent down and planted a kiss on each of their heads. "I know I have been weak, and inadequate, all these years. I have hurt you both a lot. But I promise that I will make up for it. Keeping you happy is what live and die for, from this moment."

"That's enough, Mukundo Babu," Piyali looked up at him with her moist, but smiling eyes, "The last thing I want anyone to live with in my family is guilt. Promise me, you won't think about the past."

"I promise." All three of them smiled joyfully.    

- The End - 

Liked the story? Check out my books on Kindle:

- Her Hero: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015GAH1Y6
- Tough Love: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015HGIK5S
- Ultimate Realization: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015HGIKHG
- Ultimate Trust: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0169AL2BK

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