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Rosalind pov
As I watch my master plugged to a lot of machines to be here he woke up and looked at me
"I know I'm gonna die soon" he said
"But there's something you need to know" he said
"What is it master" I said
"My name is Fernando and your name is Catalina" he said
"Before you say anything eles let me finish your memories where stolen from you and taken away it will take years before you remember who you where
You remind. Me of her so much

Her name was Rosalind I fell In love with her when I was in high school my father found out about her and he killed her he killed the love of my life he said loving is weak before I take My last breath I give you everything" he said

And he stopped breathing
I walked out and saw my Maria Camilla the only thing keeping me smiling every one saw me and bowed and said " your highness"

I was getting ready for the ceremony that was tomorrow for me becoming a ruler I was giving my baby a bath and singing I will always love you by Whitney Houston
I carried her to bed will singing her the song.

I went to look around in this new place I'm suppose to rule I found Fernando office and saw a leather old notebook on his desk I opened it. And read the first place

Dear my sweet Rosalind
Everyday I spend with you makes me forget about the horrible parts in my life you make me smile which I've never had a real smile since my mother Was still in my love I sit in my office wondering what are children would look like
And pray they look as beautiful as you

Love your Fernando

I cryed for how much he expressed how much he loves her and wished and long for a guy to look and think of me the same I opened it to the last page

Dear my sweet Rosalind

It bares me to say goodbye you where my love you helped me move on when I need the help you showed me more love than my father and it pains me to see that your gone and no longer in my arms where you should be I should have kept you safe I miss you promise me you'll wait for me up there and I'll wait for you I will always love you you'll always have a place in My heart
Love yours truly Fernando

Then I saw a pictureon the bottom and I looked just like her now I see why he said I look just like her he really loved her so much I hope he finds her up there
I then crawled into bed.with my baby fast asleep waiting for tomorrow for the ceremony

The next day

I was all dressed for the ceremony and I kept thinking would I be a good leader why did he pick me as the next ruler then it was time to go I was walking down the big stage all eyes on me and thing be said like she will be a good ruler

I walked to the crowing and people took there seats

"Do you sacrifice your blood and you soul to this upon your union"
He said
"I do" I said
"Will you protect us for as long as you live" he said
"I do" I said
"Welcome your majesty to your new home" he said
Then everybody said
"Your highness"

Then we had a ball with lots of food and I went to bed knowing I will be a good leader and not let my people down

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