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obviously it wasn't my head that rolled across the floor.

But the resemblance was so uncanny, that the only difference that I could spot, was that my head still had a body attached to it.

I'm pretty shaken up about the whole situation, but I think Bucky might be even more freaked out than I am, he keeps staring at me like he has to make sure I'm still alive.

We're all in Stark's lab, he and Bruce are running the stats on my little present, right now the only thing they know is that it is a real head, freshly cut from a real person.

Bruce is cross checking the DNA to missing persons' reports from the last few days.

"The head is fairly.... Fresh." Bruce said looking disgusted. "Whoever this is, she only died a few days ago at most."

Tony was having Jarvis trace the sender, after the return address came up to be fake.

"Idiots think they can trick my tech?!" Tony scoffed. "They should be locked up for their ignorance alone."

I haven't spoken, and I haven't even moved after Bucky practically drug me here, I'm just staring at a particular tile on the wall, wracking my mind for answers.

My trance was broken by doctor banner: "Amy? I need a hair sample from you." He asked, looking beyond confused.

"Why?" I asked as I plucked a few strands of my hair from the back of my head.

"Just to compare... Do you have any family that looks similar to you?" He asked sticking the hairs I'd given him under the computerised microscope.

"My cousin, Piper, but there are major differences." I said.

"Like what?" He asked.

"She's nearly a foot taller than me, her ears are bigger than mine, and she has a pixie cut." I described.

"When was the last time you saw her?" He asked.

"I babysat for her son last Tuesday." I said.

He began scanning my hair and the head hair, I didn't understand any of the various letters and numbers that filled the screen, but Bruce scratched his head in confusion and dropped the wand in aggravation.

"Whatcha find?" Tony asked. Bruce scanned them both again and showed him.

"It's not possible." Bruce said.

"Are you sure your scanning everything right?" He grabbed a price of my hair and yanked it out and grabbed a fresh price from the head that was set in a large opaque box.

Bruce scanned the two hairs and they both began scratching their heads.

"What is it?!" I demanded.

"It's you, it's your DNA, I don't know how, but that head is you." Bruce said.

"But I'm right here! I'm talking you! I'm alive, I'm still attached to my head!!!" I shouted incredulously.

"We should call Thor, see if he knows anything." Bruce suggested

"I want to run more tests, make sure this isn't a computer error." Tony continued.

"And we need to keep her here for protection, this was an obvious threat." Steve said.

"She needs to be constantly supervised, whoever this is; isn't joking around." Sam agreed.

"We need to get her family in protective custody as well, we don't know how far this admirer is willing to go." Natasha pointed out.

"Are we any further to pining down the sender?" Bucky asked.

"I've scanned the box for finger prints and I'm running them all now, we'll know who it was within he hour." Tony said.

"We can just neutralise the threat." I said.

"This wasn't just one person, a lot of people are in on this, you're all in danger." Bruce said.

"I should call in Fury, let him know what's going on." Steve said decidedly, whipping out his phone.

"We don't need fury on this one." Tony argued.

"Yes, we do..." Steve disagreed.

"Fury, Nicholas J." Bucky said. "time of death; 3:47am fourth of April 2014." He recited. "I killed him, he was investigating a SHIELD/HYDRA joint project, HYDRA was reassigning INSIGHT satellites to target their enemies."

"Nick is alive, and he's going to want to know about all of this." Steve said simply, calling Fury and explaining the situation while tony and Bruce ran tests on the computer to check for mistakes.

"I don't understand." Bucky stated simply.

"It's complicated, and classified." Steve said. "Pierce ordered to have him killed but Fury has a knack for not dying."

"I have no idea what is going on right now." I threw my hands up in frustration, I didn't know who any of these peopled were or why they were significant, all I knew was that I needed to sleep. "I'm outta here." I dismissed myself as I made my way back to the floor with all of our rooms.

I was exhausted, my arms hurt from supporting me all day, and my scar itched, at that moment I wanted my leg so badly I could feel the phantom aches in the limb I missed so much.

I wanted to run, I used to love running, I did marathons and track before I joined the army, and then I'd do laps around the base in my down time, it was calming to me, it gave me peace that I couldn't achieve in any other state.

Sometimes, life loves the sick irony of taking what matters most to a person.

I stood in the hallway, not sure where to go.

"They haven't cleaned up the blood yet." Bucky said from behind me, making me jump a bit. "Come on, we'll to to my room." I nodded and he scooped me up and carried me to his room.

I held to him desperately, as soon as the science nerds find out who sent me the package, Bucky would be gone, hunting the person down, ready kill again.

Bucky held more importance to protecting me than to holding me, but that's how some people show love.

So I held him, he laid me on his bed and I didn't let to, forcing him to lay down with me, the sheets smelled like him, and even though he hadn't left yet I yearned for him to come back to me, because on his return, he'd be safe again.

Bucky wouldn't come home until he knew I was safe.

I laid over his real shoulder my full leg between his and both of his arms tightly around me.

"Are you alright?" I asked him, he tended.

"I should be asking you that." He dodged my question.

"Bucky, are you okay?"I repeated, not letting him squirm out of this.

"I hate that you're in danger." He tightened his grip slightly.

"Please don't do anything stupid." I cupped his face and moved so I was leaning over him.

"How could I? I'm leaving all of the stupid with Steve." I smiled, he was starting to open up, his amnesia was healing.

And now he was going to leave me.

"Mr. Barnes, I do believe you just made a joke!" I teased.

He kissed me, his hands moving to my hips and pulling me over so I was over him.

"I do that sometimes." He grinned at me.

"Shut up and kiss me, you nerd."

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