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It's been three days, so far, no one has any idea where the head came from, or how it got here.

The receptionist and delivery driver have been cleared, but still no clues on the origin of the threat.

Bucky is going insane at the tower, and I'm back in the lab answering another slew of questions.

The head is on the cooler next to the large black man with the eyepatch.

"I'm Nick Fury, director of SHIELD, this is Maria Hill." he introduced, they both shook my hand. "Do you mind answering some questions for us?" he asked.

"Of course." I sat down on the stool and brushed my sweaty palms over my thighs.

"Ok, start with basics." Maria Hill said. "Name, date of birth, blood type and social security number."

I gave them all the information.

Doctor Banner and Tony rolls their eyes. "We've already cross checked everything, this head matches hers exactly, even the teeth are perfect." Tony said.

"Who would have access to your records?" Fury asked.

"At the moment, just those two." I gestured to the scientists.

"And the doctor that tended to your leg." Steve said, entering the room. "I just realised that he would have unlimited and unquestioned access to all of your records."

"Doctor Charles wouldn't hurt me, I've known the man for years, he's not a threat." I dismissed.

"He didn't know you were an amputee." Steve reminded. "He took plenty of samples and disposed of your prosthetic without your permission." He pointed out.

"That is weird." Doctor Banner said, as tony began typing.

"What's the doc's name?" Tony asked.

"Dr. Jefferson Charles MD." I recited.

"Do you mind if I check your leg? I want to verify his prognosis." Dr. Banner explained. I nodded and unwrapped the bandage around the stump, doctor banner kneeled in front of me and tapped around the old wound.

"Doctor Charles warned me that the other prosthetic was worsening my injury." I said.

"This reopened when you were escaping your home with Steve?" he asked.

"Yes." I affirmed.

"And you lost a lot of blood?" he asked.

"Yes I did." I narrowed my eyes. "Why?" I asked.

"I want to know what happened so I can clear up the extent of the injury." He explained. "This is a very clean scar, you said it was blown off by a faulty bomb?" he asked.

"Yeah, I disarmed the bomb, but when my friend dropped it... it didn't go off the way it was supposed to, but it did the trick." I sucked in a breath and looked up at the ceiling tiles.

The shield guys had found more important things to do with Tony. But Steve's hand reached out and gently clasped my shoulder.

"How exactly did the limb disconnect from your body?" he asked.

"When the bomb went off I was thrown, when I woke up I was one leg lighter. I don't know the exact details, I never thought to ask." I said.

"Tony! check the files on Amy's amputation, I need to know the details of the surgery!" Dr. Banner yelled across the lab.

"The doc seems to be checking out, no priors, no known connects with hydra..." Hill read out.

"Maybe this wasn't hydra." I said.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"HYDRA doesn't know where we are, they certainly don't care about me..." Bruce poked at my stitches.

"But this was personal." Steve agreed. "Did you make any specific enemies in Afghanistan?"

All of a sudden, I remembered the first time I met Bucky, the Russian assassins and the Shield WOMD.

I looked over at Nick Fury and my blood ran cold.

He knew, he had to. The man looked up at me and continued glaring for a second before returning his hard gaze to the computer that tony was working on.

"A few." I said, trying not to freak out.

"I need specifics." Steve said. "You can trust me."

"It was classified." I said with a pointed glance at Fury. Steve took the hint and nodded.

"Uh, Tony?!" Bruce poked a specific spot on my leg, right over my stitches. Blinding pain kicks in, and I scream in agony.

Tony runs across the room, and within minutes, they are performing emergency surgery.

They remove a bug. A metallic robot the size of a large marble.

It was a tracker and a recorder.

So doctor Charles must be dirty.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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