How Did You Know?!

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I woke up in a hospital bed with my leg wrapped up tightly and aching from the stitches, looks like I won't be able I walk around for a while, especially since I don't have my crutches.

"How did you know he has a metal arm?" Steve demanded from the seat beside me.

"I lied about the table and the wall." I said. "How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Only a few hours, Sam and Natasha went to get your stuff from your house, they got all your clothes and stuff just in time for another couple of truckloads of these guards to appear, they burned down your house, I'm sorry." He sounded so sincere.

"Well that sucks." I said, trying not to cry. "Was anybody hurt?" I asked.

"Everybody except Sam and Nat died." He said.

"No." I said sadly.

"Amy they tried to kill you!" He sat down next to me with a small chuckle.

"They didn't deserve to die like that, I've seen people burn to death, I've treated burn victims, no one deserves that." I shook my head.

"How does your leg feel?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

"Glorious, only problem is that it's no longer attached to me." I said, making him laugh.

"Sorry." He apologised, but it made me smile, despite the fact that I was now homeless and dozens of people were dead.

"It's okay." I smiled. "Did they get my crutches?" I asked hopefully, it would suck to be bedridden with no bed.

"No, but don't worry, I know some guys who can get you set up with a state of the art prosthetic that wont cause as many problems." I shook my head and sighed.

"Steve you've done so much for me already, you've saved my life three times..." I smiled. "But that's debt I can need repay, and what you're offering me is something I can't accept, I'll figure something else out, thank you." I tried to convey my gratitude through my facial expression but he just chuckled.

"You don't really have a choice, Amy." He really did have a sweet smile.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked testily.

"You can't walk, you don't have a place to live, I'm sorry Amy but you kind of need me right now." He smiled sympathetically. "And besides, it's my fault you're here and homeless, at least let me help, please?"

"Fine, but you're not carrying me anymore, I weigh a ton and I don't want you to hurt yourself." His laugh offended me.

"I can bench a ton over my head no problem, you don't weigh anywhere near that much, Amy, your actually worryingly light, according to your doctor." Steve was now no smiles and staring intently at me.

"Well, you try losing a leg, it's a fantastic weight-loss solution." I shrugged.

"Amy." He was looking at me like he knew all my secrets.

"Steve." I was desperate for an out, my heart monitor started getting weird as I struggled to contain myself.

"Miss Elliot!" Doctor Charles exclaimed sauntering in. "How do you feel, dear?" He was a sweet, happy old man, he worked his days off at the VA with me.

"I've been better." I sat up and faced him courageously, wanting nothing more than to run away forever.

"I didn't know you were an amputee, I'm assuming this is one of those secret things that girls don't like to mention?" He knew all about this of course, despite being the nicest man ever he had a slew of ex girlfriends and wives, he was loyal and sweet but was just terrible at communicating.

"Yeah, not my sexiest feature, you know." I smiled, still feeling panicky.

"Well, according to what I saw, it might get even less sexy." He said somewhat gravely.

The heart monitor skipped a beat and my face turned white.

"What? What is it?" He Sat down and Steve squeezed my hand.

"Calm down Amy." He whispered.

"This... Prosthetic of yours Amy," he held it up as my heart monitor raced, I ripped the stickers off so it'd stop. "Is irritating your scar, it hasn't gotten a chance to heal, if I recall you returned to work within two months of your returning from Afghanistan." He said sternly. "You didn't give that near enough time to heal, you're using a bad leg and no sock under it-"

"I'm allergic to the socks I got, I break out." I cut him off.

"Yes, not entirely uncommon, but the way you've been treating this since you've returned is practically asking for further amputation." My eyes widened in horror. "You're a nurse, you know that, Amy you need to take better care of yourself." He shook his head sadly. "Stay away from this thing, may I beg you, any further up, and you'll lose the knee, over the knee prosthetics are dizzyingly expensive." I nodded. "You can leave now, but I seriously suggest you leave this here, it's to short anyways." I nodded and what he did next shocked me.

He walked up to the top floor window, thrust it open and tossed it out.

No going back now.

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