The Start Of Something New.

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It had been almost a week since Blondie McBiceps saved me from the motorcycle dude, and I swear I've seen him, the blue eyed motorcycle guy, his eyes had been plaguing my dreams and I think he's been following me.

I just hope he's not some crazy killer.

"Amy, you can go." My boss said, I'd never mentioned my leg to any of my colleagues, I don't think any of them actually know, it's nice to not be treated differently.

I walked home alone again, my music in my ears and my leg and a half sore and aching.

I had the oddest feeling that something was going to happen, so I decided to pick up my pace a bit, it hurt a lot but the sooner I got home the sooner I could take off my pants.

I unlocked the door and limped to the kitchen, I grabbed down a coffee mug and started a cup.

"Just black." I screamed at the sudden voice.

"Who are you?!" I was holding an unwashed frying pan at arms length and staring at the motorcycle dude.

"Put that back in the sink, it's dripping everywhere." He rolled his eyes and unclipped his mask and tossed it on the table.

"What do you want?" I demanded, still clutching the frying pan.

"You're a nurse right?" I immediately dropped the pan back into the sink and rushed to the cabinet pulling out my first aid box.

"What's wrong?" I asked digging out anything I thought could possibly be useful.

"I dislocated my shoulder." He said vaguely.

"Oh,there's not a whole lot I can-" he cut me off with a glare.

"Just fix it." He said rudely.

"Um, okay." I pulled a clean dish rag out of a drawer and handed it to him.

"What's this for?" He asked snappily.

"Bite down on it." I said, helping him shrug off his jacket, I was too focused on his right shoulder to notice anything else. "This is gonna hurt," I placed my hands on weather side of him, feeling his muscles tensing nervously. "But I need you to relax." I said as he forced himself to calm down. "On three." He put the rag in his mouth and I began "one... Two." I snapped it back into pace and he screamed into the rag.

The next events unfolded in a matter of seconds though it felt like forever.

His left arm swing up and threw me across the room, but his arm was metal. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed ducking as the chair hit the wall just above where my head had been, it exploded into splinters and he flopped back into the chair, breathing hard.

"Sorry." He said rubbing his fixed shoulder.

"It's okay, I've gotten some violent reactions to relocating limbs..." I said not mentioning that none of them had thrown me across the room like a doll and then hulk smashed a chair above my head. "Does it feel better at least?" I asked. I sat down next to him, handing him a cup of black coffee that made him chuckle, but it sounded strained, like the laugh of someone that hadn't in a long time.

"Yeah, thanks." He held his coffee up to his face and took a big swig.

I glanced down at my table and saw the side of it splintered to bits, where his metal arm had been.

"Wow, that pretty impressive." I said awkwardly, trying to hide my terror.

"Not the word I'd use." He shrugged watching me closely.

"What word would you use?" I asked getting up and making myself a cup of coffee.

"Destructive, horrifying, deadly..." He looked down with a deep self loathing I'd seen in only one other person... Myself.

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