1. The Meeting.

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I usually get one of two reactions when people find out I'm a nurse. It's either "Oh, you couldn't become a doctor?" Or "isn't that a weird job for a man?" Both of those piss me off.

It doesn't help that I'm an openly gay male nurse. Even worse, I'm the only one in my entire hospital. But I'm damn good at my job, charge nurse of the emergency department, and I run it like a well oiled machine. The other nurses respect me and the doctors respect me and I'm happy, for the most part. Life has kept me too busy to find a man to keep my bed warm at night, or mornings, whenever I get to sleep.

Things at the hospital have been shifting, many retirements bringing in new blood and new personalities, a change I don't think of too fondly. There's been whispers of a new trauma surgeon joining the ranks, but nothing has been confirmed or denied yet.

It's a busy Monday, me working quick to organize things since I was off this past weekend, when I'm called into the Chief of Surgery's office. I'm a bit nervous if I'm honest, scared of what could be this important. I knock before entering and Chief stands to greet me. "Ben, hello, how are you this morning?"

I shake his hand and smile, "I'm well, just getting things together after the weekend. How are you, sir?" He shakes his head. "Drop the sir, I've told you that a million times." I just shake my head and smile. He motions for me to take a seat so I do, waiting nervously for whatever this is about.

"I know you've heard the talk of a new trauma joining the team here. I wanted to discuss this with you first so you were aware. There will be a new trauma starting, an attending, very well educated and comes highly recommended." I nod along. "Okay, sir. Why is it necessary that I know this?" He laughs and shakes his head.

"You know the inner workings of the emergency department better than anyone else. When he starts here, I'd like you to be his liaison of sorts, his go to for answers or guidance when it comes to hospital practice or norm. Is that alright with you? I wanted to ask before I assigned."

"I appreciate the warning sir," I laugh. "I would be more than happy to help out. When will he be here?" He shuffles through some papers and reads one before answering. "Well, he's currently in town already, setting up his new house. But I was thinking that you and I could take him to a welcome dinner tomorrow night, introduce you guys outside of work. I feel that would work best. Is that alright?"

"I have no problem with that, sir. Just name the time and place." He nods and agrees to page me with the details once he speaks to whoever this man is. I leave his office and return to work, ideas of who this doctor could be filling my mind.


I check my outfit a second time, making sure I look presentable and respectable, before I head out to hail a cab. Chief picked a pricy restaurant in the loop and I hope to not be late, traffic being a disaster at this time of day.

I easily find a cab, thanking the gods above, and make it to the restaurant. I take a seat in the waiting area, wanting to see Chief before I make my way inside. I see a man sitting across from me, dressed very, very nicely. He's tall, really fucking tall, dark eyes framed with his wild looking dark hair. He sees me looking at him and smiles slightly, one side of his mouth lifting into a smirk and his glasses falling down his nose slightly.

I shift in my seat and look away, too nervous to even handle the sexy stranger looking at me. I see the doors open and in comes Chief, looking every bit as successful as he is. I stand to greet him and he shakes me hand before looking around. "Oh, here he is." I see him turn and shake hands with the sexy stranger I was mentally undressing just moments ago.

The hostess guides us to a table and we're seated, Chief to my left and sexy man across from me. He keeps smirking at me which I'm sure paints my cheeks red. "So, gentlemen. Let me make the proper introductions. Ben, this is Ryan Anders, the trauma surgeon joining the team in your department. He graduated from Stanford and comes highly recommended. I think he'll make a wonderful addition." I nod and smile.

"Ryan, this is Ben Wheeler, he is the charge nurse of my emergency department. He will also be who I want you to go to with any questions, whether about protocol or process, Ben knows it all." The stranger smiles and holds out a hand. "Pleasure to meet you. It's so rare to meet a male nurse." I scowl at him causing him to laugh, a deep hearty sound, one that I really like.

"Pardon my French, but fuck off." I smile at the end and Chief hits my arm. "Now boys, get along." I give Ryan my best evil eyes and focus on the menu, barely tuning in to the discussion happening around me. We soon order and I eat, not wanting to waste any of my energy on listening to what this asshole has to say. We're interrupted when Chief's pager goes off, loud and buzzing, and he excuses himself.

"So really, a male nurse. Why? Didn't want to be a doctor and do the real work?" I fight the urge to punch him in his beautiful face. "No actually, the single mother who raised me was a nurse until she died when I was 15 and I just feel close to her by doing the same work. But thanks for the assumptions."

He's silent, eyes looking remorseful, and stares at me. "Don't say anything, just eat and leave it alone." He does as I've directed and soon Chief is back. "Sorry for that, miss anything?" We both shake our head and continue to eat.

Chief pays the bill before we head out, saying goodbye and quickly making his way to his vehicle leaving Ryan and I to each hail a cab. He offers to share but I say hell no and get into one before driving away, leaving him alone on the curb.

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