5. The Empty Room.

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I've thought of little else than my cock in Ryan's mouth. And, as much I know my body enjoyed it and trust me, I know, I can't help but wonder what's going on in his mind. He hasn't spoken to me much in the days since that happened. We had two days off and even though we've both seen the other's goods, we're not close enough to talk outside of work apparently. That seems silly thinking about it now.

I head into work, not really wanting to be here, my mind a jumbled mess. I see Ryan parking as I walk through the doors and I feel a little relieved. I guess part of me assumed he'd run off while we were off work, run away from me. I need to talk to him, I just don't know what to say.

Work keeps us busy, a steady rush of patients needing our care, but nothing too overwhelming. I'm thankful for the constant work, my mind not having much time to sit and stew on thoughts of Ryan. I see him, of course, and just sights of his face make me smile. I know he sees my smile once and he makes a cute face, winking at me.

It's hours later before I have a moment to even sit down. I head to the place I seem to feel most comfortable, the back row in the locker room and stop to grab the granola bar I'd thrown into my bag this morning. I sit and eat, wondering if I couldn't page Ryan in here without seeming suspicious. I don't have to think about it long before I hear him call for me. "Ben, are you in here?"

"I am." I hear his feet shuffle, his tennis shoes making little noises against the carpet. "Hi," he says when he rounds the corner, bringing him right to me. "Hi," I nearly whisper back. "Look, I want to talk about something but," and he's cut off by someone else coming into the locker room.

"Holy shit, I'm beat," I hear one of my nurses mumble. "Me too," I hear another voice that I recognize as Jackie's answer her. Ryan leans into me. "So obviously, we can't talk here. Trust me?" I nod. "Follow me then."

We move quickly out of the locker room, waving at the nurses who have made places for themselves on beds near the door. I see Jackie smile at us and I'm curious of what she knows since Ryan said he and her were friends from a long time ago. I don't stop to ask, instead I simply follow Ryan down the long hallway out of the emergency department.

"Where are we going?" I finally whisper once I've been following him awhile. "We're almost there. I had to find a place to go." I realize that we're in the all but abandoned section of patient rooms on the lower level of the hospital. This was where we used to have run off from the emergency room go, but since we've renovated and built on, this dilapidated part next on the agenda to update. But for now, it stands empty.

Ryan ducks into a room at the end of the hall and grabs me, pulling me into the room behind him. "Hi," he whispers, his body hard against mine as I lean against the wall. "Hello," I whisper back. His hands come up to hold my face, his eyes searching for something in mine. "Can I kiss you?" He asks, his lips nearly touching mine already. I nod and he moves, crushing his mouth against mine.

It's hard and rough and he forces my lips apart before sliding his tongue into my mouth. My hands move to pull his waist closer to mine as we kiss, the feel of him hardening enough to nearly make me come. He pulls away slightly, panting, before kissing along my jaw and neck.

The idea that I want him in my mouth comes over me so suddenly that I move quickly, turning us to have him against the wall. I drop to my knees, looking up at him as I pull his scrubs from his lower half. I pull them far enough to get his cock out, it already nearly hard. I stroke him, looking up at him as I do and see his chest start to move quicker, his breathing becoming heavy.

"You want me to use my mouth?" I ask quietly, squeezing him as I do. "Fuck yeah, I do." He smiles at me and I nearly melt. He's hard, rock hard, and I move, swallowing him in one movement. "Oh, shit," he pants, his hands coming to rest on my head. I move on him, licking and sucking on him. He tastes incredible, the soft skin of his cock delicious to me. I keep moving as he starts slowly pumping into my mouth.

"Stop, stop," he moans, pulling away from me. "What? Why?" I ask, standing and wiping my face. He looks away briefly. "Remember I said I wanted to talk to you about something?" I had forgotten the moment he'd kissed me, but I nod, encouraging him to talk to me. "Well, I don't know if you can tell or not, but I've never been with a man before."

"I kind of assumed, I don't know. It's alright though, we don't have to do anything." He shakes his head, looking serious at me. "That's the thing. I want to do things. I really, really want to. I want you to fuck me, but I'm scared. I've never done it before. I've had toys up there, last night even but I don't know if you..."

I cut him off with a brief kiss. "Did you just say you want me to fuck you and you had something up your ass last night?" I have to hold back my giggle. "Yes, I am." I kiss him again. "And what were you thinking about with it up your ass?"

He sighs, giving me a pointed look. "I was thinking about you fucking me, alright? I went to the store and bought something I thought would be close to you and yeah." My cock has never been harder than it is right now. "Are you sure?" I ask, not wanting to assume that just because he said all of this, he meant it.

"Yes, I'm sure. I've been carrying condoms around in my scrubs hoping we'd find a time to be alone." I smile and kiss him. "Are you for real?" He laughs and bends down, reaching into the pocket of his scrubs. He pulls out two condoms and smiles at me, leaning in to kiss me. His face goes serious all of a sudden.

"Oh my god, I didn't even think to ask if you wanted to fuck me. Oh shit, I just assumed, I didn't even ask and now you could be like..." I press myself against him and he moans. "Obviously I want to fuck you. Who wouldn't?" He laughs and kisses me. "Now go over to that bed and bend over." He salutes me then does what he's told, watching me as I stroke myself before opening the condom and rolling it down. I move to behind him, bending to kiss him once before I slowly start to push in...

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