13. The Vacation.

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Reading an email from Chief stating that my four days of vacation request were approved confuses the shit out of me. First, I didn't request any vacation days and second, when is this supposed to be happening? I'm half asleep reading it, having heard my phone buzz in my sleep. It's early and I don't even have to work today. Great.

My thoughts are soon interrupted by a light knock on my door. I feel like I'm either still asleep and dreaming, or I've woken in the twilight zone. Nobody ever comes to my door this early. "Just a second," I yell out, slipping into a pair of sweats.

I don't even bother checking the peephole, throwing the door open and squinting at the sun. "Well aren't you fucking adorable in the morning?" Ryan asks, leaning in to kiss my cheek. "Hi, come in. What's going on? What time is it even?"

"Hi, baby. It's like seven something. But I'm here because I have a surprise!" His excitement is adorable and then I realize he has a bag in his hand. Like, an overnight bag or something. I pull him to me and kiss him, nibbling at his lower lip. He drops the bag to wrap his arms around my shoulders. "What's your surprise for me?"

"We're going away for a few days." Ah, the email makes sense now. "You asked the Chief for time off for me?" He pulls away and looks worried, like I'm going to be upset. "I'm not mad, just asking." He smiles and leans into me.  "Yes, I hope that's okay. I had wanted to surprise you, I'm kind of sad now that you already know I did that."

"Hey," I say, pulling his face into a kiss, "its okay. I read it and was totally confused." He smiles and slaps my ass. "Go pack, think warm weather!" I kiss him again and pull him with me to my bedroom, rummaging through drawers and my closet trying to find stuff.

"Oh my god, finally!" I look at him confused, my fingers pulling at my bottom lip. I raise my eyebrows in question. "You're not a good shopper and you said you don't like interior design. I was starting to wonder what kind of gay man you were, but I know now. You're the 'takes longer than a woman to pack' kind." He smiles at me.

I rush him and tackle him, straddling his hips. "You little shit," I say, smiling, leaning down to kiss him. I slide down his body, pulling his sweats down when I reach them. "I'll show you what kind of gay man I am, asshole," I say, licking across the skin I've exposed. I feel his cock twitch, jumping in my hand when I grab him. I don't bother with little licks, instantly taking him completely into my mouth.

"Holy fuck," he moans, reaching to hold my head. I move quickly, my hand slipping to massage his balls as I suck. I make long strokes, sucking the head before dropping back down. "Just like that baby, I'm going to come," he pants. I keep doing it and in a short time he holds my face with both hands and comes, shooting his warm seed down my throat.

"That was fucking insane, oh my god. Do it again?" He smiles as I stand and fix his pants. "Nope, we have somewhere to go, yeah?" He gets up and grabs my bag, kissing me once, sliding his tongue in to taste himself. "Yeah, we have a plane to catch, come on!" Wait, a plane?


Landing at the Key West airport was a little terrifying. First of all, flying has always been fine for me, it's the landing that scares me a little. When the plane that's hurtling towards the ground has to land on what looks like a small little island, I apparently nearly have a heart attack. If it weren't for Ryan's strong hands holding mine, rubbing small circles into my hand, I would have died, I think.

"It's okay, honey. I've got you. Just look out the window, look how beautiful this place is. Don't think about what's happening." I lean on his shoulder but do as he said. The water is beautiful and I'm thrilled that Ryan brought me here. I nearly cry when the wheels touch down and the plane jolts, but we're safe now. I lean over and kiss Ryan's shoulder.

Baggage claim is nothing exciting and soon we're in a cab to our hotel. "It's very fancy," the cab driver says when Ryan tells him where to take us. "You better not have spent a fortune on this, Ry. I will punch you." He leans in and bites my ear lobe. "I'd rather you fuck me instead."

"Well, I'll do that too, but I'll punch you first." He laughs and holds my hand, pointing out things from the window. When the car stops and we're at the hotel I realize Ryan is totally getting socked. "This is too fancy!"

"It's not. And I wanted to do something special for you. You've put up with a lot from me already and I wanted something fun for us. So, just don't worry about the cost and enjoy it, okay?" I can't believe that after all this time, I've found someone who cares for me like he does. So I nod, hugging him and squeezing him tightly. "Okay," I whisper. "Thank you."

"You never have to thank me, but let's head inside. I got us a suite!" He smiles at me, I think to keep me from getting upset, and pulls me, our bags being wheeled on a giant rack behind us. He checks in, squeezing my hand as we walk to the elevator.

Our room is beautiful, large windows overlooking the pool and then the beach a little in the distance. All I can think is that I want to fuck Ryan against the windows. He stands looking out and I come up behind him, pressing into him, the thought of fucking him already making me hard. I press myself into him and he leans back, smiling.

"Excited about the view?" I shake my head and grab his hips, pressing myself against him again. "Can I fuck you right here, baby?" I ask, leaning in to suck at his skin. He nods, turning to catch my mouth with his. I slowly undress him as he does me, our hands moving at a slow, gentle pace. When we're stripped, I turn him, pressing his hands against the glass.

"Oh shit, condoms are in my bag, hold on." I move to pull away and he stops me, grabbing me. "You don't need one." My eyes go wide. "We work in the hospital, we're tested, we're safe. Just fuck me please." I don't need to be asked twice.

I lean down, licking him quickly before spitting into my hand and wetting my throbbing cock. I pull his hips back slightly, his body leaning into the window. "Hold on, baby," I say, lining myself up to push into him. "Holy shit," he moans, his ass clenching me tightly. It feels like fucking heaven. I hold his hips and make slow love to him, pulling out all the way before slowly pushing deep again. He moans and pants, shouting even and I know I've hit his spot.

I keep moving, my thrusts getting faster, before he's begging me to fuck him hard, to make him come. I pound into him, his hands slipping from the window. I smack his ass and grip him, my fingers leaving marks on his skin. "Fuck, Ry, your ass is incredible." I see him remove one hand from the window to grab himself and with one tug he shoots, his come landing all over the expensive floor.

His hole tightens, his body convulses and squeezes me until I come, slicking him up with my juices. I nearly collapse, his body holding me up. I stay in his ass, softening until I fall from him and we both slide to the floor. "Best start to a vacation ever, I'd say," he pants, rolling towards me while trying to catch his breath. "I love you," I say, my voice loud and clear.

He scoots to my lap, draping himself over me. "I love you, too. "Let's have the best vacation ever." And we do.

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