12. The Words.

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After our grand entrance into the known world at the dance, Ryan hasn't been shy about spending time with me. Or, kissing me in front of people. It still surprises me when he does that. Ryan is away at a conference today and it's weird to be at the hospital without him. Eating lunch alone, he consumes my thoughts.

"Hey, lover boy. Mind if I sit with you?" Jackie lingers at the chair across from me. "Oh, go ahead. How are you?" She sits and smiles, unwrapping something from cling wrap. "I'm well. I feel properly beat though. I think I need a nap."

"I can understand that. We've been running nonstop lately it seems. Especially today with no Ryan." She smiles when I mention his name. "Yes, it is more hectic with him not around." She takes a bite and looks at me, her eyes seeming to focus. "I actually wanted to talk to you about him, if that's alright."

"Sure, what's up?" I try to sound casual but I know I must look stricken. I'm worried all of a sudden. Is this when she admits that she's in love with him? Or does she tell me they've secretly been sleeping together for years and I'm just something on the side? Or does she tell me he's done with me? I honestly think I may throw up.

"Well, I've known Ryan for years. Did he tell you that?" I nod. "And I was a little surprised when he first mentioned you." I feel like I should be offended. "Why is that?"

"Ryan has never really been open about his relationships. He was always very tight lipped about that. Then, he has a dinner with you and the Chief and suddenly he was asking me about someone. It was just seemingly out of the blue."

"He mentioned me then? We were assholes to each other!" She puts her food down and laughs, her smile contagious. "Yeah, that's what he said. But he also said he couldn't stop looking at you. I knew it was only a matter of time before something was happening. Plus, I heard you guys in that bathroom. You little freaks."

I know I blush. I can feel it. "Sorry about that." She laughs some more, a noise I find quite endearing. "Oh, it's okay. It was entertaining and quite hot, to be honest." She smiles at me again. "But I came with a point, so let me get to it. Ryan is a good man. He sometimes is an asshole and he sometimes says things he doesn't mean. But, he's caring and loving and a gentle person. Don't hurt him, please. He deserves to be happy. I don't want to see this blow up in his face."

To me, it says a lot about Ryan that he has someone to speak up for him like this. "I won't hurt him, Jackie. I care about him, a lot. I'm more worried about him hurting me." She reaches over and squeezes my hand. "You're his now, he won't hurt you."

She takes my smile as an answer and gets up, throwing her food away as she leaves. I sit there stunned a bit, my food all but forgotten. I feel my phone buzz and it's a text asking me to come to Ryan's later when he's done with this conference. I almost can't wait to see him.


"Hi honey, how was work?" Ryan asks me as I walk into his house. I kiss him, pulling him to me. "It was alright. Missed you. How was the conference?" He kisses me again, walking me toward the couch. "It was boring. Missed you and wanted to come home so I could do this." He kisses me again, pushing me onto the sofa so he can sit in my lap.

My hands move to his head, holding him to me so I can push my tongue into his waiting mouth. I move my hands to his hips, squeezing once before I move to grip his ass. "Damn, you did miss me, huh?" He asks, gasping as I suck the skin on his neck.

"Yes I did. Undress." I lean back and watch him stand, his face breaking into a smile as he strips himself down. I reach and pull out my cock, stroking as I watch him. "Shit, you're huge." He smiles, pulling his pants off to kneel in front of me. I rub myself along his lips, his tongue coming out to lick at me.

When he takes my cock into his hand and then his mouth, my head falls back against the couch. "Fuck, Ry, don't stop," I moan, reaching to hold his mouth on me. I thrust lightly into his mouth, his hands moving down to squeeze my balls. "Fuck, just like that," I pant, thrusting harder into him. I think I'm going to come already.

"Stop," I nearly yell, pulling him from me. "I don't want to come yet baby." I move him so he's leaning over the arm of the couch, his perfect ass right in my face. I lean in, licking at his ass cheek. "Oh, shit," he moans, gripping the couch tighter. He knows what I'm about to do.

My tongue finds his hole and I lick, swirling my tongue around. He moans and whimpers, pushing back into me. I keep licking, pushing my tongue into the tight ring of his ass. "Ohhh fuck," he moans, reaching one arm back to hold my face in his ass. I fuck his ass with my tongue, licking as I pull away.

"That felt amazing, oh my god. I love you," he exhales then freezes. His face slowly turns to me and I can't hide my smile. "What did you just say?" He drops onto the couch, his face bright red. I turn him, forcing him to look at me. "What did you just say?" I ask again, hoping he'll repeat it and not back down.

"What I meant to say was, that was amazing..." he draws out. "But, I suppose I can admit I'm also falling in love with you. Sorry if this was the worst time ever to say it." I lean down and kiss him, sucking his lower lip into my mouth. I reach for the condom in my pants pocket and kiss him as I cover myself. I move so that I'm able to push into him.

"I feel the same way," I say as I push in, sinking deep into his ass. He smiles then moans when I thrust hard into him. I sit back on my heels, him spread in front of me, and hold onto his legs, pounding into him. My balls slap against his skin as I move, a sweat breaking out over Ryan's body.

"Oh my god," is all he keeps saying as I fuck him harder than I ever have. "Feel good, baby?" I ask, leaning to nip at the skin of his calf. "Feels incredible, you always do. Fuck me harder, think you can?" I move and grip his hips, slamming into him. I pull him on to me as I thrust, our bodies coming together hard. His hard cock bounces with the power of my thrusts.

"I'm going to come, fuck," he moans, tightening around my dick as he comes, his whole body going stiff. Watching his come coat his belly makes me come, the hardest I ever have. I fall onto him, his arms coming around my body. I reach and hold the condom on as I pull out, tying it off to throw it somewhere.

"Come here," he whispers, cradling me against him. "That was the best sex ever to be had on earth," he says against my hair. "You're crazy," I laugh, turning slightly to kiss his chest. "I came so hard I thought I was going to drop over dead." I laugh again, nuzzling him. "I'd have been really sad."  I feel his breath evening out and he squeezes me. "Mm, love you," he mumbles, falling into a peaceful sleep.

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