15. The Outcome.

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Three years later...

"Ben! Come here, hurry," I hear my husband yell from the living room. I momentarily panic, dropping the spatula and running into the living room. "Look!" Ryan shouts. He points and I realize Abigail is taking a few steps across the carpeted floor.

"Oh my god!" I nearly squeal, rushing over to our baby girl. I scoop her up, kissing her face while she giggles. "Daddy is so proud of you baby! Look at you go!" Ryan stands and hugs us, kissing first Abigail on the cheek then me on the mouth. "Dad is proud too, baby. You're growing up so fast." I see Ry turn away and just know he's going to cry.

We adopted Abigail at her birth, nearly a year ago. It's amazing how much has changed in that time, but also how much hasn't. Ryan's mother and I are alright, not friends by any means, but we work together to give Ryan and Abigail a proper family. Ryan's dad and I, however, are best friends. In fact, we have a man date for later in the week. We're going golfing.

"Is her cake done, babe?" Ryan asks, moving to take Abigail from me and set her on the rug, holding her little fingers to help her walk. "Almost, I was interrupted by the little mover here." Ryan beams at me. "When are people due over?"

"I told everyone noon. So maybe I'll finish the cake and you can dress little one over here in her special outfit?" Ryan nods, grabbing her and walking past, stopping to kiss me which makes Abigail giggle. I head to the kitchen, the cake halfway frosted calling for me. Today is Abigail's first birthday party.

I work in the quiet, frosting the cake and decorating it, a hobby I picked up while we were preparing for Abigail's arrival. I'm not sure how that happened, but it did. Now, I bake for everyone. Even Ryan's mother has asked me to make something before. I nearly dropped over dead.

"Show daddy your pretty outfit baby," I hear Ryan say, walking with Abigail at his feet, holding on to his outstretched hands. Our little girl, with her dark curls, is in a little pink tutu and a little shirt saying "it's my birthday!" She looks fucking adorable.

"You're the cutest thing I've ever seen. Minus your dad, of course." They both smile and blow kisses to me, something they've practiced for a while now. I hear the door opening as I finish up the cake. "Where's my grand princess? Is she in here?" I hear Ryan's dad before I see him and Abigail starts bouncing up and down, so excited.

Ryan leaves Abigail with his parents and greets the next guests as I move around, setting up the food and readying everything. I hear Jackie come in, greeting Ryan with a hug and carrying a huge gift. She was a blessing to us when we first brought Abigail home. For a doctor and a nurse, you'd think we knew more about babies. We were sadly under educated.

The party kicks off and everyone is happy, even Ryan's mom hugs me and compliments the party. Ryan sees it and smiles, mouthing "I love you" to me from across the room. I sneak away for a moment, resting my back against the wall near the back porch.

"You okay, babe?" I hear Ryan approach then feel him against me. "Yes, I'm just so happy I could burst." He laughs and nuzzles me, my arms instantly going to wrap around him. "Don't do that, I can't raise this baby alone!" He says in a dramatic tone, his face pinched in horror. "Oh shut up."

"But really," he says, leaning in to kiss my jaw, "I love you and so does our baby girl. God, it still seems unreal to say that. You've made me so happy, Ben." I kiss him, slowly, tracing my tongue across his lips. "I can't wait," I whisper, moving my mouth towards his ear, "for everyone to leave so I can fuck you."

He moans lightly and pulls away, kissing me. "You're evil. Now, I'm going to be turned on the rest of the party. Oh, I forgot. Jackie asked to take Abigail home with her tonight and have a little girls night. Said she'll have her home by lunch tomorrow. Okay?"

"Sounds perfect, then you won't have to be quiet." He slaps my arm, smiling at me. "You're evil, Ben Anders, do you know that?" I just nod, kissing him one more time before we head back to the party. Everyone goes about their business, not even noticing. I think they're all used to Ryan and I sneaking away when we can.

With a kiss to Abigail and a hug to Jackie, the last of the guests leave and it's just Ryan and I. I start to clean, throwing things away and packing up food when Ryan comes to me, taking the containers from my hands. "Babe, what are you doing? I'm trying to clean up."

"Yes, I can see that. But, I'm thinking you could fuck me, then clean up?" He smiles, moving to kiss me, sliding between me and the countertop. I bite his lower lip, sucking it into my mouth and licking, caressing his plump lips. "Remember the first time I fucked you?" I ask, kissing and sucking at his neck.

"How could I forget? I came so hard I thought I was going to pass out." I turn him, pressing him into the counter. I drop to my knees and pull his pants off, his ass right in my face. "Remember the first time I licked you here?" I ask, spreading his cheeks to put my tongue to his hole. "Fuck yes, I remember."

I grab Ryan's hand and move him, his pants around his ankles, toward the living room, pushing him chest first over the back of the couch. I drop my pants, my dick already nearly hard just from the swipe of my tongue on his ass. I stroke myself, moaning at him while I look at his ass, up and ready for me.

"You going to stare at it or are you going to fuck me?" Ryan mumbles, his face pressed into the couch. I let out a small drop of spit onto his hole and spread it with my fingers before licking my hand to wet myself. I grab his hips, pulling him towards me as I push in.

"Fuuuuck," he moans, "you're still so huge." I use his hips to pull and push, my hips meeting his ass as I thrust. "And you're still so tight."  I smack his ass with one hand and thrust, over and over, roughly pounding into him. I feel myself start to sweat, a drop falling into the crack of his ass.

This feels wild to us, our sex confined to our room when our girl is asleep. But I miss this with Ryan. "Fuck baby, you feel so good. Fuck me harder." He pants, so I do, grabbing his hands to pull him. I feel him shiver, his body responding to my hard cock pounding into him. "I'm going to come, fuck. Make me come, Ben, please," he moans.

I thrust harder, nearly slipping from him as I pull out before slamming back in. I feel him stiffen and he nearly screams as he comes, his warm juice hitting the floor by my feet. "Fuck, Ry," I moan, thrusting one last time before holding myself deep in him to come. I let him milk me, my body shaking. I pull out slowly and watch myself leak from him.

"You're so hot," I say watching him pant laying over the couch. "You're hotter," he whispers, standing up and nearly falling over. "Come on hubby, let's go to bed." He smiles and leans on me, wrapping his arm around my waist. "You going to fuck me again?" He asks me, nuzzling into my neck. "Always, baby."


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