Chapter 9

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'Angel.' I hear 'Angel, wake up!'

'Ughhh, Harry leave me be.' I groan, trying to hide myself in his wonderfully scented pillow.

'But I need to do something and I can't leave you alone so I have to take you back to your dorm.' He said.

'What do you need to do so urgently?' I asked, whilst pointing to the clock that read 6:00am.

'I can't say.'

'I thought we were past keeping secrets?' I groaned, still half asleep.

'We are.' He wrongly stated.

There was a long pause where we both tried to out stare each other. The purpose was for me to get my own way but I couldn't help get distracted at how attractive he looked. His hair was messy due to sleep and his chest was on full display, showing of his numerous tattoos.

'Enjoying the view, Angel?' He asked, smirking.

My cheeks grew hot.

'Shut up Harry and just tell me what's going on.'

'Ok ok.' He said 'I have to feed and you can't be there but I can't leave you by yourself because of that shithead Zayn. So, I have to take you back to your dorm so you can be with your annoying little friends.'

'Why can't I come with you?' I asked, frowning.

'You know full well, Camille. I'm going to kill someone, now are telling me you want to see that?'

'No.' I whispered, looking down. I felt like a little schoolgirl getting shouted at by their teacher.

'Exactly. Get yourself up and dressed. Oh and one last thing, don't piss me off Angel ; I'm not in the best of moods.' He said, before exiting the room to give me some privacy.

I put my middle finger up at him, through the wall, of course. Well away from his eye sight. He really did infuriate me but that was just because I cared so much. 

Once I was dressed and ready to go I got into Harry's car along with him. I went to the backseats and started to climb in.

'Angel, what are you doing?' He asked, finding it almost amusing that I was refusing to sit next to him.

'Sitting. Duh, what does it look like?' I argued back. Okay, maybe I was acting like a child but I wanted to get back at Harry and I wasn't great at being rude. So, this was the only way.

'Why won't you sit next to me?' He asked, arching an eyebrow.

'Because you were being rude.' I said, not happy that I couldn't push his buttons like he pushed mine.

'Fine, have your way.' He replied, sounding not in the least bit infuriated.

The whole car journey was spent in silence with me sulking in the back. It was a stupid thing to argue about, I know, but he needed to learn how to control himself.

'Were here.' Harry said, driving up into the entrance.

'Pull over, I'll be fine from here.'

'No, Angel, don't be stupid. I'll walk you up, Zayn could be anywhere.'

I frowned and a mix of emotions caused me to snap.

'So that's why you always want to be with me? Not because you like me or you enjoy my company but because your worried about me and Zayn? I am old enough to take care of myself, Harry.'

He pulled his hair back in frustration and slammed on the breaks.

'I don't give two shits how you feel about me being protective, Camille. He shall not touch you or even look at you. If that requires me constantly being with you, then so be it.'

I was speechless for a second and decided on holding my tongue for once. I was tired and honestly, all the arguing was getting to my head.

Harry walked me to my dorm (as he said he would) and left as soon as he saw Rosetta with me. No goodbye, no farewell, he just walked off. Typical.

I turned to face Rosetta who obviously wanted an explanation. I mean, I had just been on a date with a demon, stayed over night and came back at 6 in the morning. I guess I owed her that, at the very least.

I sat her down and told her everything but left out Harry being a demon. Even though I was pissed at him, I wasn't going to tell anyone his secret. It's not like Rosetta would've believed me anyways.

'Oh my god!' She squealed. 'You let him finger you!?'

'Could you say that any louder?' I asked, laughing.

'Oops, sorry. But your crazy Camille! That's a big step, are you sure you know what you're doing? Is this what you really want?'

I sighed and rolled my eyes. My whole life has been dull and boring and Harry came along and it felt...exciting, adventurous. I was tasting danger and I liked it. The only thing that was holding me back was Rosetta!

'I get that your looking out for me, but I liked it.' I said, embarrassed 'it may be a big step but I'm willing to take it.'

'I see.' Rosetta said, smiling as if she knew something I didn't. 'Anyways, I'm not really one to talk about stuff like that, I'm not even a virgin.'

My mouth literally flew open.


'Yeah, yeah, I know. I guess I seem quite stiff but he broke my heart after we did it and I just don't want that to happen to you.' Rosetta said.

'Aww I'm sorry' I said 'I'm still a virgin and I will stay one until I know he's the right guy, so there's no need to worry.'

We embraced each other in a warm hug which is what I deeply needed.


The day flew by fast and when it got to 3pm I was very bored. I decided to go for a walk and check out busy London.

Shops lined the streets. At first, I could see Gucci and Prada but as I got deeper into West London, my surroundings got rougher. Bars and clubs with alcoholics and smokers were around every corner.

I was about to turn back because of the constant stares and wolf whistles when something caught my eye in one of the near bars.

There was Harry, sitting with a blonde bombshell, chugging down shots and smirking from ear to ear.


Okay guys be thankful of this chapter cause I have one direction concert depression and I didn't feel like uploading...

pls comment & vote it'll cheer me up so much :)

ily x

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