Chapter 14: Love Is Confusing

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Haley's POV:

I had left Cam and Nash's house in the middle of the night last night. I got a text from Hayes to meet him at the grocery store:

Meet me at the grocery store by Cam's apartment.


Because I have a surprise for you

Whatever. Fine

And now I'm walking over to the grocery store with Karsyn. Hayes was waiting for me in the parking lot.

He hopped out of his car and started towards me. Then, I suddenly regret walking over here. But before I could make a run for it, he grabbed my shoulder and I twisted around.

"Hey!" He said with his gorgeous smile.


"Do you mind if I stay at Cam and Nash's apartment?"

Was this really my surprise? The "surprise" that I had to walk blocks to the grocery store in pitch black?

"Why are you asking ME? It's not MY apartment!"

"Well, you know. It's so early in the morning and I didn't want to wake Cam or Nash up."

"So you woke me up?"

"Ummm, yeah?"

I'm done with him. I turned around, grabbed Karsyn's wrist, and dragged her behind me as I walked back to the apartment.


I got back to the apartment to find Nash, Cam, and Emily vigorously searching the apartment.

"Where were you?" Cam ran up to me in relief and hugged me.

"Hayes... Grocery store parking lot." I said hanging my head down.

"Oh." And that was enough. They knew enough to change the subject.

Emily's POV:

We hopped off the couch and ran around the apartment. I couldn't find them ANYWHERE!

I burst into Nash's bedroom and screamed,

"Haley and Karsyn are missing!"

That got him up, and he ran around the house tearing it apart. It was entertaining watching these two look for their best friends. I was wondering what he would do if I went missing. I erased this thought and continued the mission to find these two.

A little while later, they burst through the door. Cam ran up to Haley and hugged her. Wait? HUGGED HER?

They're just friends. They're just friends. They're just friends. I repeated in my head. Then, I took a deep breath in and exhaled.


A few hours after the incident, Cameron and Nash invited Haley and Karsyn to the movie theater. But guess who they forgot to invite?

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