Chapter 28: Way In the Future

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Stephanie's POV:

I was putting on my makeup for my sweet 16 party when my little 10 year old brother burst through the door.

"MAX!" I screamed with annoyance at him.

"What? A guys gotta poo when a guy's gotta poo!"

"Gross! Why do you have to use my bathroom?"

"So that my bathroom doesn't get stinky! Duh!"

Getting very annoyed, I pushed him back a couple steps until he was out of my bathroom then slammed the door and locked it.

After I was all ready for the day, I opened the bathroom door and walked over to my closet. I pulled out my dress for the party. It was a pink dress that was tight until the waist. There was a yellow belt at the waist and below it, the dress flowed out.

I slipped it on and grabbed my phone off my bed to walk into the kitchen. My phone buzzed and I got a text from my boyfriend, Sam.

Hey babe! Can't wait for your party!

I can't wait to see you either! It's gonna be an awesome party!

I walked out to the kitchen to see my parents and brother at the dinning table eating pancakes and bacon. My dad, Nash, looked up at me and whistled.

"Someone's looking good for their sweet 16!"

"I have to! I'm going to have a party tonight. Remember, dad?"

"I sure do. I remember the price of your party the most!" He said laughing at his own joke.

Nash's POV:

Steph went to the garage and drove her new car that we gave her to the mall. Max finished eating and went with Steph to the mall with his friends.

Emily and I decided to just have a relaxing day until the party.

------At the party-----

I walked up to Emily and gave her a great big hug. It was hard to believe that my baby Stephanie was now 16 years old and practically a woman! And my baby Max was a decade old. Soon to be 11 next month!

After Steph hugged Emily and thanked us for her car, she turned around and greeted other guests with her nice, caring boyfriend, Sam. I'm so glad that Emily and I were blessed with most amazing kids.

-----12 years later------

Stephanie's POV:

My husband, Sam and my 2 year old daughter, Josie were going to my little brother, Max's wedding. I'm 28 years old and Max is 22. The time really passes quickly.

My parents were sitting right next to us and Josie was sitting on my mom's lap. She had a little toy to keep her occupied. The wedding was nearing an end and when it did end, I started to cry. So did my mom and dad.

It must be a real hard day for them to know that both of their kids have their own family now. We congratulated them and had a super fun night at the reception. Josie loved to dance and she stole the show when she got on the dance floor and started dancing.

----2 more years later----

I was at work one day when I got a call from the hospital.

"Is this Stephanie? Daughter of Nash and Emily Grier?"

"This is her."

"I'm sorry to say this, it's very hard, but your parents have been in a bad car crash. And-"

"And what?"

"Well, I don't know how to say this but this car crash was very severe. And they've- they've died."

I dropped the phone and it fell to the floor. I sat there, stunned, for about a minute straight before picking up the phone and calling Sam. I told him everything and we started to cry. It was hard to focus at work  and then my boss gave me the day off once he noticed it.

Sam got home soon after and we cried for a long time. The funeral was just a couple of days away. It was hard to believe.

----After the funeral----

It killed me to know that I had no parents left, and that Max and his wife's kids won't ever meet their grandparents. But at least I had my family now. I had them and I had to hold on to them as long as I have them.

I learned that from one of the best grandpa ever. His name was Rodger Cann.


This is the end of my story. Thanks so much for reading. I know this story was filled with sadness, but in the end, they have their family to rely on.

Instagram @kelsi_28

Thanks for reading!

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