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Okay, I'm gonna update this real soon I just didn't yet because I'm trying to remember the plot line hahaha.......


It's been a whole year, almost two, guys; cut me some slack. But I apologize for not updating and being irresponsible by losing my password in the first place but I promise I was working on getting into the account the whole time.

So... There's pros and cons.

Pros: my writings developed a lot, i will be on a whole lot more often, I have a phone so I can update like whenever now, I will DEFINITELY be speaking more to you amazing ass guys!!!! aaaHHH!? The support I've got from last night and today is astonishing. I love all you so much. Please know you are the reason why I wanted this account back so bad. Also, speaking of amazing people, shoutout to SilverHuntresses who has been an amazing reader from day 1 and is also an amazing writer so check her out!

Now, the sad part: Cons....

I'm a little rusty with stories on this account. Mostly this one which is really sad since I had such high hopes for this back when I was 9. Yep. You heard me. I started this when I was nine. (But I updated it at 10) So now I'm basically a teenager (please don't fucking make fun of my age I swear to God that bothers the hell out of me) now. So I've come quite the way. Another con: I have way less reads so that means slower updates. Reads motivate me. I know that just sounds greedy but think about it, people. If you're getting like... 1k reads per update chances are that gets you hyped up to keep cranking out chapters, right? But if you get one read every year you probably will lose morale and give up. Now, I'm not gonna give up. Hell nah, fam. I got loyal readers. Like Chilea and SilverHuntresses and @tiny_ninja_turtles and a few more. I will keep updating but I'm just saying....

Anyway, sorry for this long update that wasn't even a chapter. I swear I hate when authors put a bunch of these it drives me fucking insane. Like 'nO oNE CARES BRUH WHERE THE ACTUAL STORY AT FAM'  so things like this won't occur often. So yeah. Keep reading, voting, and sharing you amazing little fucks.

(Also.... I think you can tell my language got a bit more vulgar.)

And before you ask, I have a late birthday. I'm not eleven.

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