Chapter 12

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Interesting new chapter! *wiggles eyebrows* Thank you for your Reads and Votes and Comments! It means the world to me. I have decided to dedicate this chapter to Heidi Nezat who's been a true fan of this book! And I would love to dedicate it to all my readers at a time. Love you guys!


I was woken an annoying tapping. Tap. Tap. Tap. It wouldn’t stop. I got up cautiously, sensing the sound was coming from the window. I glimpsed the hiding spot for my gun and tiptoed towards the window. There sat a shadow, clinging unto the drain pipe. I opened the window whilst Blake lugged himself in, groaning.

“What are you doing here?” I hissed, careful not to wake Marie up.

Blake looked at me “If I remember correctly, you owe me an hour”


“Your horrible temple run skills landed you in this predicament” he began “Frankly, I know you don’t want to speak to me right now, but you have no choice”

“Blake” I said as calmly as possible “It’s 3 o clock in the morning”

His eyes softened “Please Renee”

I sighed throwing on a jumper “Blake…”


I didn’t say what I wanted to and only shook my head “You’ve got one hour”

A few minutes later we’d managed to sneak to Blake’s motorbike without waking up Marie.

“I’m not getting on that thing” I scoffed shaking my head “Statistics prove 60% of deaths on roads were motorcycle related”

He sighed “I thought we made the deal clear, you Renee Holland do what I, Blake Heyworth say”

I closed my eyes and sighed climbing on behind Blake. I didn’t hesitate to wrap my arms around his waist, glad he couldn’t see my flushed face.

“Ready?” he called; he didn’t let me answer as we zoomed to our destination.

The ride was exhilarating, and I didn’t notice we’d already been on the road half an hour. It was still dark, so when Blake parked the motorcycle by some woods I stumbled. He gripped my hand tightly dragging me along.

“You’re not going to kill me are you?” I asked worriedly stumbling a little more.

He chuckled “Don’t you worry Sugarplum, I wouldn’t dream of it” we walked in silence for a while, before I began to hear the rushing of water. I froze when a beautiful waterfall came into view the beautiful forest illuminated by the moon.

“It’s beautiful” I whispered. Blake nodded, dragging our still entwined hands. We stepped closer to the edge of the waterfall and my heart rate quickened.

“After a lot of pestering” Blake said “I managed to find out from your sister what you feared the most”


“I never took you as a heights type of girl” he gripped my hand tighter “It’s fine Renee, we’re going to do this together”

“No, please” I could sense my voice cracking slightly.

“This is the safest waterfall I know, there aren’t any dangerous hazards at the bottom, trust me I’ve tried…”

I snapped my head up “Why?”

“After Brandon…” he trailed off.

“There’s no way I’m jumping” I stated firmly attempting to wriggle out of his grip.

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