Chapter 20

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I'm in a spiffing mood! Jolly well! No, british people don't talk like that. Well, some. I was lucky enough to have one of my books published! In a book that people can actually hold! It isn't for sale but something my school did for me but I'm happy enough! It's on wattpad but that's the seriously crap version, and i mean CRAP. It's called Letters To Cassidy if you want to check it out. 

I'm so happy with the reads and comments and I think i was just having a bad day on my last upload and I've reached 7,000 reads which is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. But enjoy this chapter!


“All flights for Minneapolis, Minnesota…”


“What?” I grinned at the look on his face; he was engrossed in a game of football being shown on a flat screen.

“We need to get on the flight!” I giggled attempting to drag his 6ft frame away from the TV.

“Wait!” he dug his heels in the ground “Abuse!”

I laughed “Move you…”

“Gorgeous hunk?” he finished smiling down at me

I shook my head “I wasn’t going to say that”

He smiled down at me throwing an arm over my shoulders “Is it possible to feel this happy?”

I laughed softly “Sure it is hun”

 He kissed the top of my head “You’re a godsent”

“I know I am” I whispered “And you’re my angel”


It was Monday morning, and I sat on a bar stool alone in an empty house. Blake had promised to pick me up on his motorbike as a new car hadn’t been arranged for me yet. We arrived back to Minnesota late Sunday evening and I let out a yawn. There was a knock on the door and mid yawn called “It’s open!”

“It’s not safe to leave your door open!” Blake scolded walking through into the kitchen.

I yawned again “Yeah whatever…”

I felt his laugh before I heard it, he’d wrapped me in a hug and was sneakily attempting to reach for my Oreos.

“Touch them” I hissed jokingly “I dare you”

He recoiled laughing “I never knew they were so important”

“Oreos” I stated “Are my life”

“Aside from me of course”

I didn’t try to deny it, a small smile played on my lips “Aside from you”

I slung my duffel bag over my shoulders following Blake out the door.

“So how about tonight?”

“Tonight for what?” I asked taking out the spare helmet.

“Our date” he grinned “Remember?”

I smiled back “How could I forget”

“I’ll pick you up at 7” he said climbing onto the bike “Is that alright?”

“Perfect” I told him “Aside from the fact that I have track training with Ethan after school” I had briefly filled him in on my decision to start training.

“That’s good, I kind of have football training…I’ll drop you off after”. I clung on to him for the 15 minute ride to school feeling the rush of adrenaline as we rode through the streets of Minnesota. We drew up the school with a few minutes spare and I ignored the hush whispers going around as we climbed down.

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