Gavroche and Javert

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Hi guys (and girls)! So this is a roleplay conversation between me and @TheatereLove. I was Javert and Me and TheatereLove was Gavroche. I want to say thanks to TheatereLove for doing the roleplay conversation with me! :D


Gavroche is online

Javert is online

Gavroche: Inspector! 'Ow do ya do? Didn't think I'd find you 'ere on the web

Javert: Well, I occassionally go on the internet to buy special imported hair products....they are seriously hard to find, but instead I found this website and...wait why am I talking to a street rat!?!?!

Gavroche: Hey, you do know that on the Internet, that sort of offense is jail worthy. So HA!! At least ME isn't here. Marius warned everyone about ME. Interrupts all the time. Now, lets talk about that hair supplies Inspector!

Me: actually buy imported hair products :D

Javert: ummm.....maybe....Why are you here!

Gavroche: Oh no. Marius was right. Me's here. And yes Me, Javert apparently buys hair stuff! Wonder why, he's near bald. No 'fense, Inspector.

Javert: Excuse me?

Me: You are excused.

Gavroche:@Me hehe.@Inspector, you can't live in the past. Admit it. You're not twenty four anymore. You need to accept the harsh reality: YOU ARE NEAR BALD.  Explain it, Me

Me: KK :D

Bald: adjective

having little or no hair on the scalp: a bald head; a bald person.

destitute of some natural growth or covering: a bald mountain.

lacking detail; bare; plain; unadorned: a bald prose style.

open; undisguised: a bald lie.

Zoology . having white on the head: the bald eagle.

Javert: OK I GET IT!!!!

Gavroche: I just want to help you, Inspector.

Javert: Yeah yeah sure whatever :P

Gavroche: Yknow, I have a confession to make


Javert: NO TELL ME!!!! NOT M-.....ummm Me?

Gavroche: Inspector, remember that day in the town square and you noticed your sword was missing? Well, I have it. 'ere with me. I mean, with Gavroche. ugh do want your sword back?

Me: Ooh Ooh Give it to ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Javert: NO!!!! Don't let her near my sword!!!!!!!! Wait you did what now?

Gavroche: I'm sorry. It was sooo shiny. Come by the elephant later to pick it up :D Say 4 maybe? I'll be waiting...

Me: ummm creepy much

Javert: Look who's talking!!!

Me: You are!!!

Javert: -__-

Gavroche: Uh Inspector, I have your sword. You comin' or what? Don't have all day. Places to be. Bakeries to steal fr-- er, volunteer at

Javert: Uh YA!!!!

Me: Uh NUH!!!!

Javert: I'll be there as soon as I can

Gavroche: K. I'll wait. *sings merry little tune* I'll talk to Me

Javert is offline


Gavroche: Im gonna regret this. So, Me.... who are you, actually? Are you 'Taire pullin a fast one?

Me: No I'm MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

Gavroche: Well, while the Inspector's gone, lets talk about him! He's so uptight, for one thing

Me: I know and he's SO OLD!!!!!

Gavroche: IKR!!! I hope he never marries :D

Me: I feel bad for the woman if he does :P

Gavroche: Ugh she'd have to put up with so much. That lady would deserve a medal.

Me: I know and-

Javert is online

Javert: I can't find you Gavr- wait...excuse me?!?! I happened to have MANY girlfriends back in the day.

Me: What was "back in the day"? Seventy years ago?

Gavroche: Girlfriends? how many? 2?

Javert: More than two!!!

Me: Three?

Javert: -__-  maybe....

Gavroche: Wow! Three! That's a good number, 'Spector, 'specially with your personality :D

Javert: I'll take that as a compliment...

Gavroche: erm, yeah, sure :D

Me: *cough* loser *cough*

Javert: HEY!

Gavroche: it's ok Inspector. We all knew the day would come

Javert: Once again...HEY!!!

Gavroche: Hehe, nice talkin to ya Inspector. See you at the bakery. I hear there's a little thief about....

Gavroche is offline

Javert: OK talk to you-wait what?

Javert is offline

Me: Bye?

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