Enjorlas and Cosette

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Hello! I want to say thank you to ShadowBrit for doing this conversation with me :) We did a role play conversation between Enjolras and Cosette...some other characters were added in too. I was Cosette and ShadowBrit was Enjorlas...Thanks again ShadowBrit :D oh and also it even though it doesn't seem like they were talking on a computer...they were, but they were doing that thing where you are messaging someone even though you are like 2 feet away from them LOL :D


Cosette is online

Enjolras is online

Cosette: Hello Enjolras! How are things at the barricade?

Enjolras: Cosette! What're you doing here?! But, erm, things are...great! *nervously laughs*

Cosette: OK let me rephrase that.....IS MARIUS ALIVE!!!!!!! You better answer yes....

Enjolras: Yes, he's alive and well. Don't worry, Madamoiselle *smiles*

Cosette: ONLY MARIUS CAN SMILE AT ME!!!!!! wait...why am I talking to you? Why can't I just talk to Marius?

Me: I was thinking the same thing....HEY ENJOLRAS!!! Can I use your hair as a mop...my kitchen floor has gotten fairly dirty!

Enjolras: AH! It's Me again! Why can't you leave any of us alone?! And NO, you CANNOT use my hair as a mop!!!

Me: Then my life wouldn't have been as fun...DUH!!! ....and awwww why not? PLEEEAASSSEEE!!!!!!

Cosette: *rolls eyes*

Enjolras: NO! My hair is valuable! Don't touch the hair!!!

Me: *snicker* what you have to shampoo and conditioner it every night or something? *snicker*

Enjolras: NO!...Maybe...You'll never know! *protects hair with hands* You know what, I have a barricade to run! Why are you bugging me at such an important time, Me?!

Me: Because it's my job!

Cosette: yeah right

Me: No seriously....it IS my job...I don't have a life....

Enjolras: *laughs* I THOUGHT SO! *turns to Cosette* If you're looking for Marius, he's over there *points off into the distance

Cosette: MARIUS!!!! <3 3="">Me: I thought she'd never leave!

Enjolras: She is rather...upbeat when it comes to Marius.

Me: WELL DUH!!!! Ya think!

Cosette: *runs back* GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS!!!!! HELP!!!!!!! MARIUS IS HURT!!!!!*pants* Marius...he *deep breath* he has *deep breath* a splinter.....

Enjolras: *rolls eyes* And here I thought he'd been shot...*grumbles and walks off to help Cosette*

Me: a splinter really?

Cosette: It was a DEEP splinter!!!!

Me: ooh SO deadly...

Cosette: I KNOW RIGHT!!!!

Marius is online

Marius: Cosette I'm fine really...

Cosette: MY POOR BABY!!!!

Enjolras: Cosette, calm down! He's not really that hurt; it's JUST a splinter!


Marius: great...you just got ME scared

Me: I'm not scared! I'm kinda amused by this...

Marius: Of course you are...

Cosette: SOMEONE GET HELP!!! Do you guys have cotton in your ears!!! MARIUS HAS A SPLINTER!!!!

Enjolras: *tries not to laugh* I'll get someone to take a look at wittle baby Marius' "infection". *walks away laughing his butt off*

Marius: -__- It's not my fault I have a girlfriend who overreacts....no offense honey....

Cosette: None taken my wittle Marius bear!!! :D

Enjolras: *comes back with tweezers* Okay, here's some help with the infection. *hands tweezers over to Cosette* Have fun, wittle Marius XD

Marius: I am so getting you for OWWWWW!!! JEEZ COSETTE!!!!! Could you have done that more gentle?

Cosette: Well if I did it slower then it could have infected it more.....

Me: Marius there's still some wood left in there

Marius:*takes tweezers from Cosette* Here Enjolras...at least I know that you'll be carefOOWWWW!!!! I THOUGHT YOU'D BE CAREFUL ENJORLAS!!!!

Enjolras: Sorry! :/ I got the wood out though!

Me: You should have let me done it!

Marius: For once I agree...OWWW!!!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!!! ALL THE WOOD WAS OUT!!!

Me: I know...I just wanted to see Cosette freak out again...




Marius: Thanks alot Cosette...I'm sure the boys are NEVER gonna let me forget that!

Me: especially since I just told them that!

Enjolras: I never thought I'd say this, but..high five, Me! XD AHAHAHAHA

Me: YEAH!!!! *high five, but "accidentally" smacks Enjolras in the head*

Enjolras: OW! *glares at Me* What was that for?!

Me: I was high fiving you...

Marius: let me guess...you were high fiving Enjolras, but then you "accidentally" smacked him in the head

Me: No...I actually purposly did that...I was gonna high five him, but then I thought it would be more fun to smack him in the head

Marius: ....what Cosette...no "ENJORLAS HAS A BOOBOO" or something like that?

Cosette: He can suck it up and be a man....

Enjolras: Thanks, Cosette. -.- And Me...just...no.

Cosette: What it's not like you are bleeding or something!

Marius: Actually I think he is...

Cosette: oh....whatever....a little bloodloss won't do him any harm

Enjolras: *touches hand to top of head* ..I AM bleeding...wow...this sucks...

Cosette: Oh, whatever! Who cares about HIM!!! I am still WAY too worried about YOUR booboo Marius

Enjolras: ...Maybe I was wrong about Marius being in love. Maybe I should find a girl of my own. *walks away to get a bandaid* *comes back* Look, Marius, I've got to go and handle things at the barricade. Have fun with Cosette!

Cosette: Thanks :D

Marius: BYE


Marius: but I


Marius is offline

Cosette: NO MARIUS!!!!!! Why did you make him leave?

Me: He was annoying me...

Cosette: Hypocritical much?

Me: Nah...


Enjolras is offline

Me: well it's just you and ME ha get it?

Cosette: no, I'm not being left alone with you! Go die in a hole!

Cosette is offline

Me: bye!!!! :D

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