How It All Started

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Chapter 1

Chelsea ran through the forest scared, someone or something was chasing her but she didn't know who or what it was. Her hair streamed behind her, she was beginning to regret dying it a blue that glowed with the moons light in the night sky. At least it wasn't that bright pink like she had once dyed it before. Breathless Chelsea retreated up a tree and sat there for a few minutes. She could hear her stalker following her, though confusion fogged her mind about the fact that whoever it was were not trying to be quiet or stealthy, they were actually incredibly noisy. So there she sat silently waiting, hoping, wishing for whoever was tracking her to leave, for her to be free. Unfortunately she had no such luck. Later, as the sun rested on the horizon a few hours had passed and Chelsea awoke from her nap, surprised that she was still in the tree and had not fell. Noticing that everything around her was now silent, it was scary, cause what she didn't know was if her stalker was still around or had gone...and where? Sighing she rested her head against the trunk of the tree and wrapped her leather jacket tighter around her shoulders. Why had she took that dare to see if she could survive one night in the forest? Why!?.

A wolf named Kurai, prowled silently through the same woods, her fur a bright silver, a black stripe on each of her shoulders. Kurai was unique because of the unusual patterns of her fur, never before had anyone seen a wolf like her. Then again, it was certain few to none had even seen KuraI theselves either, if so they were damn lucky to have seen her. Kurai was following a man, that had been following someone else. Who the man was following, she didn't know, but she was determined to get the man. Kurai looked to her right, and one of her pack, Evan, a sleek black wolf, fell into step behind her. Evan didn't look all so unique like Kurai but he was just as unique as she, mainly because of some quality traits they share, along with their pack members also. The rest of her pack had stayed home, there was great numbers of them so it was probably for the best, so many wolves tracking one person would be difficult to be steathy. They had been following this man for hours. but not once have they odentified him, only was they could determine him as a man was his scent and foot print. After a few hours had passed, Kurai and Evan passed right under the tree that Chelsea was taking shelter in, not that it was much use to her. Sniffing the air, Kurai stopped in her tracks, looking up.

Chelsea frowned, maybe now was the time to turn back and forget this ridiculous dare, so what if she would look like a joke for a couple weeks, its better than being lost in a forest where she had never stepped foot before since th age of ten, eve then she was told to keep out, evenmore the reason to return back to the village. After consulting her concience for a hour, she looked down to see a wolf sitting there. Her heart pounded as she saw its silvery fur and a couple black stripes on its shoulders, who was shortly accompanied by a larger black wolf. She prayed to god it wasn't her they were waiting for, various thoughts raced through her mind of her becoming a small but pleasant lunch for them, Chelsea shook her head. Maybe the wolves werent harmful, maybe it was one of them couls be one of those rare and nice and cuddly wolves... Fat chance of that. wild wlves, in a forest, be cuddly, good Lord CHelsea had only been in the forest for a few hours and she was already going crazy.

Kurai looks over to her pack mate, and what seemed like a bark to Chelsea, was 'Change to human. Get her down.' to Evan. The pack's minds were linked, and whenever they were wolves, they could talk to each other like that. the two wolves disappeared into the shadows, out of Chelsea's sight, and there he shifted to become a human, a handsome guy with pale skin, shaggy jet black hair, green eyes, and a tall, lean figure. He climbed the tree ewith ease, until he was on the same branch as Chelsea. "Hi. Everything alright?" he asked, not even shy for she was a stranger, nor was he defensie or territorial as wolves would seem to be.

Chelsea heard a bark from one of the wolves barked and she jumped, her heart was having a spasm and she couldn't stop shaking. If she ever made it out of this forest alive she would never step foot within anywhere near again. Her mind screamed at her to run, as fast as she could, until she found a highway or some sort of civialization, but her nerves were frozen, not a limb of her body would dare move. before she realized it a handsome young man climbed the tre without making a sound and was seated beside her. Chelseas eyes searched arpund her surroundings but all she was was darkness. She hardly heard the young man speak, so when she finally comptehended what he had said she couldnt find her voice to reply. she wanted to ask him where he had xome from but then again she was afraid of his answer. a breeze blew lightly and her nose flooded with the scent of wet dog mixed with a musky cologne. she looked over at the guy and his eyes looked familiar,

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