Hanging Around

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Chapter 2

She looks over at him then smiles and lays down on the bed and stares up at the ceiling "why" she giggled.

He shrugs, and lays down next to her, chuckling. "Nothing better to do."

She chuckled as well "yeah I guess" she closed her eyes and smiled as she relaxed

He turns his head slightly to look at her, and smiles, then turns back to look at the ceiling.

"I feel safe around you." She said suddenly and gasped as she heard what she had said. Her all body felt like it had burst into flames and her heart smashed against her rib cage.

He blinks, and blushes a little.

She sat up and mumbled. "I'm sorry..I shouldn't have said that.." She got off the bed

He takes her hand, pulling her back as he sits up. He smiles.

She blushed a slice of electricity shoot through her. His hand was so warm against hers and it had been so long since she had held someone's hand.

He squeezes her hand lightly before letting it go, giving her a shy smile.

She smiles and let's her hand drop to her side. "When will Kurai be back?"

He tilts his head to the side and shrugs. "When she wants to be."

Chelsea smiled. "Alright.." She rested her back against the wall and sat there for a few moments then sighed. "I was thinking...how long would I stay here?" She asked looking at

Evan. Since she was found she had been thinking about this very question the entire time, but others tangled themselves within it as well.

"However long you want to be." He looks down at her. "Whenever you want to go home, tell Kurai. She'll have one of us, probably Tristen, take you. She's not gonna force you to stay here."

Chelsea nodded. So many things were to be considered. See at home she always fought with her parents..here well she hadn't started anything yet. But back home there was her friend, well what friends they were to send her into a forest with vampires and and phasing wolves. But maybe here she could make new friends... She sighed and smiled up at Evan "well I feel safe here...I think its best I stay...for a while...if that's ok..."

He nods, and smiles. "Of course it is. None of us mind. Kurai takes a while to warm up to, but then she's awesome."

She smiled and nodded. "Alright." Chelsea bite her lip slightly, she wondered if she should make a little joke, the one that had passed through her mind had made her chuckle but she wasn't sure of he would take it offensively. She decided not to say anything.

He swings his legs back and forth childishly, and reaches back to rub his neck. "Well...hmm... You hungry?"

Chelsea wasn't quite sure if she was hungry, she was still adjusting to her surroundings. Then her stomach made a low rumbling sound. She looked up at Evan, who's she just noticed now, was swinging his legs like a child. She giggled. "Well I guess I may be a lil hungry."

He chuckles. "I heard it, too." He stands up and opens the door for her. "Whatcha want?"

She laughed and shrugged "whatcha have?" She asked. Her mind being stupid pictured a wolf chased a rabbit then catching it then carrying it back to its back and putting it in a pile with the rest of they're kills. Some odd thought it was for her. She never really thought so much to do with one thing, she morely thought about...well....nothing really. Probably the reason why she gets in trouble so much.

He goes downstairs, motioning for her to follow. "Cereal... Sandwich stuff... Snacks... Whatever you want."

She follows him and push aside the thoughts of rabbits and slobbered up birds. "Oh, that's simple. Just like home!" She giggled then a pang in her chest chocked her to a silence. She paused for a second, stared at the floor then looked up and put on a false smiles. "I think ill make myself a sandwich." She said a bit quieter than usual

He looks at her, and frowns a bit, noticing her change in voice. "No, sit down. What kind do you want?"

She obeyed him and sat down, she didn't really have the strength to argue at the moment. She shrugged "anything but egg salad or tuna. I don't like fish.." She trailed off and remembered she was in a forest and in forests there was stream, and fish swam in streams...oh well.

He nodded and opened the fridge, looking in it. "We got turkey, bologna, and ham... And cheese." He looks over his shoulder at her.

"Ham please." She requested, again a false smile crossing her lips. Why couldn't she just be happy? She mentally hit herself. She was safe,warm,had food. There was nothing to complain about.

He nods and makes the sandwich, setting it on the table, and then grabs a can of pop out of the fridge, opening it and setting it down for her as well.

"Thanks Evan." She said a real smile forming on her lips. she took a sip of the pop and a bite of the sandwich. When she swallowed she grinned, "really good sandwich. Best I had in a long time."

He chuckles and nods, grabbing a can of pop for himself and sitting in one of the chairs, turning it around so he sits in it backwards.

She finished the sandwich then sips her pop. CHelsea smiles."So how did you get to become one of the phasing wolves? Did you do some stupid dare like me?" She laughed at herself then looked at Evan

He smiles and shakes his head. "Werewolves is the correct term, and it involves a dare, yeah. A jerk I went to school with dared me to spend a week out here, and I was stupid and accepted it. In^ good at handling myself in the wilderness, but I was walking one night, and I slipped, and fell. It wasn't too fun. Broke my leg, landed on a sharp rock and broke some ribs. And of course, I had no one to help me, either, so I laid there. Eventually Kurai and her wolves found me while they were hunting, and Kurai turned me." He smiles a bit, hair falling into his eyes.

"Kay. Werewolves then" she chuckled then listened to him. She watched his facial expression as he talked. She frowned when he told her about hoe had hurt himself. But the frown faded when he heard about him being saved. But then before she could stop herself from asking she asked. "Do you like being a werewolf?" She covered her mouth at how horribly judgmental that sounded and dug her nails into her palm a little before it stung and hurt to much."I mean like...would you take it back if you could" this time she slapped her hand for asking that cause it sounded worse. "Sorry" she murmured

He chuckles, and smiles. "I love being a werewolf. There's nothing I don't miss. I wouldn't take it back."

She smiled and nodded. "Good." She wondered why she had chosen that word. Then that question faded from her mind and the mental dreams she had had when she was younger wondered back to mind..she paused for a second and her eyes glazed over as she watched the memories preview through her mind like a movie screen. She didn't seem to gain back conciseness after though. She sat there in the same state for about ten minutes, unmoving..

"Chelsea?" He frowns and moves around the table, to stand next to her, and snaps his fingers. "You okay?"

She doesn't move, her eyes are still glazed and she stares ahead of her unblinking. Her cheeks start to pale as does the rest of her skin. Her lashed grow out a little bit longer fuller and darker. Under the glaze her eyes turn from the silver blue they were to a dark midnight indigo. Then she closes her eyes for a second. When she opens them she looks at Evan. "Is something wrong?" She asked confused.

He frowns, and looks at her. "Um.. Are you alright?"

She looks around and everything seem so much more defined. she cringes when she heard a loud crashing. "Why is everyone being so loud?" She asked. She looked at Evan "why do you ask? I feel fine" she smiled and her lips were darkening to a rosey red pink. Her eyelids had a light glaze of purple shadowing her eye and her hair was longer and shinier, even more bolder.

He frowns, looking at her. "Were you bitten? By that man? The vampire?"

Chelsea shakes her head. "He didn't catch me. I got away." She pulled her hair away from her neck and there were no puncture wounds. "Why?" She asked him worried now. "Evan, what's wrong?" She stood and almost fell because of how fast she had gotten up. Her head felt light, she felt light. "Evan, I'm scared...what's wrong?" She asked. She heard footsteps approaching them then some guys walked in.

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