Chapter 1

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A small blond boy gasped in pain as a foot connected with his side, digging into his ribs. His attackers are none other the school's most popular kids and everyone worships over the very ground they step on, everyone except a few and that includes the malnourished blond. He was the youngest student to ever be part of the school and to make things worse, he was actually invited to join the school. Yes, he didn't enrol and couldn't reject the wonderful offer either. He doesn't have much money to spend. Actually he does but he just doesn't wanna become a spoilt rich brat like the one that is kicking him right now, thinking he is the king of the world or something.
I'll just have to endure it. No point returning the anger. I can use this to my advantage in the future. Naruto thought to himself as he curled up to make himself a smaller target in the corner. Everyone was standing around, just looking. No one helped him and they were all either grinning or smirking at the pathetic blond or whispering to each other. Why do they hate me so much?
"This is what you get for embarrassing us!" Kiba said as he sent a kick towards Naruto. Kiba Inuzuka is the heir of the Inuzuka corporation, tenth richest corporation in the world. "What did I do?" Naruto gasped out weakly.
"Oh so you speak! I thought you were mute!" A boy from the crowd shouted. The teachers had also watched amost the crowd, opting not to do anything. After all, the boy is nothing. Even he did have the name Uzumaki, his hair tells a different story. So their conclusion was no, definitely not an Uzumaki. A pathetic child like him wouldn't be part of such a prestigious and elite corporation that strived for perfection. This kid was an orphan! He means nothing! Only bring shame to others, or they think he is.

Naruto grunted as he walked out of school, trying to hide his limp as he walked. Naruto took a subtle glance towards his left and saw someone tailing him. Naruto sighed as he continued down the road and towards the mall. How many times do I have to tell them I can take care of myself? Naruto thought as he rounded a corner and into a short cut that leads him to the mall. Naruto noticed another man was following as closely as he could without others suspecting anything. The man was pretty young and very handsome. He was dressed in his school's uniform to blend in, in case he needed to stick closer to Naruto to protect him. Naruto slowed his pace, knowing that the man would pick up his pace to match Naruto's. "What have I told you, Kosuke?" Naruto said calmly in his usual emotionless tone. He always masked all this trades with a big smile plastered on his face.
"It's my duty to protect you, Naruto-sama."
"... I don't want you to get hurt." Naruto finally said quietly when they bought some food. Naruto had to force Kosuke to sit down or he wouldn't even budge from his spot beside Naruto. Naruto had arranged it so that Kosuke sat close enough so he can get the kick out of jumping up to protect Naruto but far enough that nobody would say anything. The kid was way too smart for his age. He had a IQ so high that he had to take like twenty test to confirm that it wasn't a computer malfunction. He has learned all the trades of his parents' coporation  and it doesn't take a smart guy to realise that the child is a genius. He had figured everything out before it was taught to him, from business secrets to politics to how to play your cards right to ensure the best for the company. That isn't the only thing he is good at, he has a secret ability of being able to memorize everything, every single detail, with just a quick scan through the pages.
"Naruto-sama, I am willing to die for you."
"But I don't want you to die!" Naruto hissed as swallowed the lump in his throat when memories hit him. Naruto shook his head and leaned back into his chair calmly, his previous outburst almost seemed like it never happened. "I don't want you to die." Naruto repeated in a murmur and Kosuke almost didn't catch it. Kosuke didn't know how to respond so he merely nodded and continued eating with Naruto.
Naruto and Kosuke decided to walk around the mall for the sake of passing time. "How's your relationship with your girlfriend?" Naruto asked as they walked.
"It's okay. I wanna propose." Kosuke said quickly and bluntly, hoping Naruto didn't catch the very end. Too bad for him, Naruto has very sharp ears and he can read lips which added to the advantage. "Ohhhh. Let's go then!" Naruto said and shoved Kosuke into a jewellery store. Naruto let Kosuke browsed as he himself looked at other rings, silently picking out a beautiful ring to buy later for his own girlfriend. "So which one do you like?" Naruto asked.
"I like that one but it's too expensive for my budget." Naruto looked at the big diamond ring for the female and a matching male diamond ring, Naruto gasped in mock horror. "Are you telling me I'm not paying you well?" Naruto teased, causing Kosuke to laugh and mock defend himself. "I have to pay for the wedding too." He grumbled and Naruto looked at him as he asked a lady to bring out the ring for them to see, she blushed slightly when Naruto made eye contact with her and thanked her. Naruto was hot af, you gotta admit that. Naruto examined it before passing it to Kosuke who has a very nervous look on his face. "What's wrong? I'm paying for this, don't worry about it causing a hole in your pocket."
"No. I- I'm just scared. What if she doesn't want to marry me? It's going to be so awkward if she rejects me." Kosuke said as he fingered the ring.
"Don't worry about it, if she rejects you it's her own fault. She's losing, not you. Besides she can be jealous all she wants when you find another girl who truly appreciates you." Naruto said, patting Kosuke on the back as comfort before buying the ring after getting the sizes for each ring. "You didn't have to do that Naruto-sama." Kosuke protested when Naruto paid for it in full much to everyone's shock in the store. The diamond rings were so expensive they were going to hit the million dollar mark and he paid for it so nonchalantly like it was just a dollar or two. Naruto got the bag and held it out to Kosuke who took it and thanked him, knowing it wouldn't do anything to protest anymore as he already paid for it. "Protect her well, Kosuke. She's a keeper. Treat her like a princess and give her everything she wants." Naruto said seriously. Kosuke nodded. Naruto valued relationships deeply. He doesn't care who you are, he'll find a way to make your life hell if you mess with any of his friends. You're too nice Naruto-sama. You didn't deserve what has happened to you.

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