Chapter 5

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Naruto got along well with Itachi's squad and they all treated him like their little brother and they would now always try to fend for him whenever they bump into him being beaten up in the hallways.
"Baka!" Was Naruto's only warning before he was shoved into the lockers and pinned there by a hand to the throat. Naruto gritted his teeth as his bruises flared up in pain, Naruto struggled against the hold, not wishing to fight back as he knows he would injure someone. Getting hit by a black belt that has extra training from the most notorious Yakuza, a Kung fu master, best swordsman + archer in the world and many other skills: that is bound to hurt, if not kill. Don't you agree? Naruto has many skills up his sleeves: from hand-to-hand combat to weapons and to utilising any thing to be used as a weapon against someone. But he just refuses to hit anyone unless they are actual baddies. These are just arrogant brats that got too cocky for their own good and they don't deserve Naruto's time of the day or effort wasted on them.
"What did you do to my aniki? He would never talk to such a low life like you!" Sasuke growled. Naruto was silent as he could barely breathe. "Don't ignore him, you murderer!" A random girl -Sasuke's fangirl- screeched. Naruto's breath hitched in his throat as he stopped struggling. Sasuke looked faintly surprised too at her exclamation. "We all know you murdered your parents! If not why would you be an orphan?! I'm sure hell you threaten this school to invite you in!"
"Who told you that?" Kiba asked.
"My dad! He is always right!"
"Who is your dad?" A deep calm voice asked. The crowd of students parted to reveal the Sabaku heirs. "I-I, Gaara-Sama." She stuttered. They all knew of Gaara's infamous ability to make anyone wanna die just by looking at them and she is just about to experience that, ten times worse. "F*ing answer him and you f*ing Uchiha! Let him f*ing go." Another voice from the other side of the hall growled angrily and the crowd parted again to reveal Itachi's squad and they look hella pissed off and Hidan was the one who let his foul mouth loose but no one cared currently. "And what would you do?" Sasuke sneered as he tightened his hold on Naruto's neck, causing Naruto to narrow his eyes in disdain and he was pulled away from the wall before being slammed back to emphasis that Sasuke thought he was the dominant one. "He wouldn't be the only one doing something!" Temari snarled, her anger already bubbling over at the sight of her boyfriend being beaten. Temari's crack of knuckles was Sasuke's only warning before he got punched in the face and elbowed in the gut. You have to learn one very very important lesson. Never ever EVER mess with Temari, especially not her boyfriend whom she is very protective of - she will kill you if you do. Being killed by a black belt? Reasonable. Being killed by a female black belt? You pissed her off. Being killed by a girl because you're an a**hole? Serves you right.
Temari caught Naruto and eased him to the floor gently. "Temari." Naruto mumbled, his voice raspy and weak. "Shh, baby, it's okay. I'm here." Temari whispered as she ran her fingers through his soft blond locks.
"Answer me." Gaara demanded.
"D-danzo Shimura." She stuttered. Naruto's eyes snapped to her. "Did you say Danzo?" Naruto queried, slightly interested. After a glare from Itachi's squad and the sand siblings, she swallowed her insult towards Naruto and nodded. "I can see why he tells you such lie." Naruto said emotionlessly as he sat properly to look at her with his icy cold blue eyes, making her shiver slightly in fear.
"What are you talking about?! He did not lie! You did kill your parents!" She screeched and Naruto twitched as he barely hid his flinch. Naruto held onto Temari as she almost pounced on the girl. Naruto stood up abruptly and glared at her. "How would he know that?! Was he there at the scene? If he is, why didn't he stop the murder? Why stand by and watch?! Why am I not arrested yet? Why didn't he go to the police then?" Naruto pointed out, his voice rising slightly.
"I... I..." The Shimura girl said, not knowing how to counter Naruto's extremely valid points. Naruto swallowed the lump his throat as he continued. "Tell your father, there are eyes and ears everywhere and to stop playing such petty games." Naruto said, his voice soft and emotionless before he walked off with an aura around him that made people part to let him pass through.
"You b*tch!" Temari yelled and slapped her hard, "I will have my dad sue you! Or you know what? I'll let Naruto-kun do it! Karma is a b*tch, you just wait and watch. Naruto can make your life hell. You just wait." Temari growled and the girl ran off in embarrassment and fear. "Why the f* did you punch me for?! How dare you punch an Uchiha?!" He was about to hit back but his fist was intercepted by Temari.
"Don't get too high on all that privileges laid out for you. You should never have messed with him and now, it's your downfall. Just remember to call me, I'm going to bring popcorn to watch the show!" Temari said before slapping him with her other hand and pushed him away causing him to stumble. Temari stalked off with her brothers to look for Naruto after one last glare at the popular group. "I'm disappointed in you Sasuke." Konan spat before running after the Sabakus to look for Naruto with them. Her group didn't hesitate to follow her as they were all concerned for Naruto.

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