Chapter 11

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Naruto strolled towards Itachi and his squad with Temari. "Happy birthday!" Konan screamed before engulfing him in a hug. Naruto hugged back and patted her on the back. "I don't have a present for you but I will get you something." Konan said sheepishly.
"You don't have to."
"But I'm going to." Konan insisted and Naruto chose not to argue with Konan anymore, knowing it is futile.
"So, Mr Uzumaki-Namikaze, why did you not tell us anything?" Kisame asked, nudging Naruto. Naruto just shrugged nonchalantly, choosing not to say anything. Temari slung her arm around Naruto cautiously after letting him know that she was going to touch him with a few subtle signals. Naruto hated when people touched him without warning, it just made him felt defenceless like that day his parents died and he wasn't able to help. "Are you still going to go to school?" Itachi asked and Naruto nodded in confirmation.
"He may be smart but he wouldn't ditch school when his girlfriend and best friends are in school." Temari said with a smirk on her face, knowing her boyfriend very well. Naruto looked at her and she smiled back sweetly before catching him off guard by kissing him on the lips. Temari was a little taller than Naruto and since her arm was over his shoulder, he leaned his head back slightly onto her arm. Konan squealed in delight at the cute couple. Naruto blushed a little. "Awwwww. He is embarrassed." Temari cooed and Naruto buried his face into her neck. There was a flash when the camera clicked, making Naruto jump slightly. "Sorry, can't resist." One of Naruto's employee said as she waved the camera hanging around her neck. "Anyways." She continued and handed Naruto a folder.
"What's- never mind." Naruto mumbled as his eyes scanned through the document. Naruto scribbled a hell lot of things on the document as he went through it. "The hell with your annotations?" Hidan asked as he saw the page filled with Naruto's neat hand writing in the margins. Naruto looked up with a small smile at their surprised looks. "Tell Haruno and Yamanaka that if they want to have business partnership with major corporations they better buck up on their attempts to form a business proposal." Naruto said as he flipped over the papers to the spare sheets of paper used for him to write down what to do for his employee's sake, so that they don't forget. "And, hm... Tell that woman, what's her name? Goddammit." Naruto mumbled as his hand raised to run his hand through his hair as he tried to remember her name. "Are you okay, Naru?" Temari asked, worried. Naruto is never ever forgetful.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine. Can't remember her name!"
"Who?" Temari asked, hoping she can help.
"I do remember she likes American food. She's a really spoilt brat... Princess Yukie Fuji, yeah, tell her to stop arranging meeting without discussing it with me, I'm not as free as she is. Also tell her to stop calling me out for a date, I have a girlfriend, and to stay away from Temari or I'll have her on restraining order."
"Oh that chick! The one that I yelled at." Temari said in realisation and Naruto nodded. "Oh that little piece of sh*t." She said darkly, making a few people step back in hopes that they weren't in her reach when she lashes out. "What happened?" Konan asked curiously.
"She was such a pampered little woman, hence her nickname princess. That day when Naruto walked into the room to start their meeting, she thought he was one of the employees so she ordered him to get her somethings and Naruto hadn't said anything or moved to get her the things instead he sat down, she got mad and started screaming and yelling at everyone to restrain 'this worthless punk'," Temari quoted,"but no one dared to touch Naruto so she attacked someone else instead."
"Which is who?" Nagato asked.
"Me. She pounced on me and Naruto rushed over and took the hit. You can imagine how angry I got so I started screaming at her but she still doesn't f*ing change her bloody attitude." Temari snarled, Naruto patted her head to make her calm down before turning his attention back to the folder.
"Ask Hana to write me up a report on the project she is currently working on. Tell her not to print it, don't waste paper, just email it to me." He scribbled a few more notes before handing it back to the worker and she rushed away to do the tasks.
"You sure is busy." Kisame commented. Naruto sighed and shook his head. "What can I do about it? I didn't ask to be born in two rich clans, that are at the very top of the ranks in everything apparently." Naruto said, causing Temari to nudge him playfully. Naruto looked at her to see what she wants and she pointed out the fact that if he wasn't born this way, he wouldn't be living such a luxury life.
"I don't need luxury, hime." Naruto spoke softly, with a hint of sadness in his tone. "I want to know what it feels like to have parents watching you grow up into someone they can be proud of. I don't care if I'm not from a rich and famous clan." The group was silent as they didn't know how to respond to this particularly sensitive topic that revolved around in Naruto's world. The moment of silence in the group was broken when someone ran in screaming in delight and victory about something she found and ran straight towards the computer that was connected to the projector. Temari's face appeared on the blank screen when it finally connected properly. Everyone was confused but had their attention on the screen. "Um, we have another video that I couldn't find before but I suddenly found it a few moments ago. Enjoy!"
Temari adjusted the camera before she sat back down on her bed heavily. "Welcome to my live session! I-" Temari was interrupted by the door being knocked and opened without invitation. "Hey! I'm film-" she was interrupted again when the red head of the Sabaku siblings spoke in a grave and serious tone. "Can I have a moment with you for a bit?"
"What's going on?" Temari asked as she left for the door and came back in, face pale. She plopped down on the bed and started brawling her eyes out, forgetting the camera was still rolling. There was someone banging loudly on the door. Kankuro. "Temari!"
"F* off!" Temari screamed as she went back to burying her face into her pillow and crying. "He is gone!" Temari yelled out angrily.
"He is not gone! He is still alive!" Kankuro shouted back from behind the closed door.
"They got him! He isn't-"
"He wouldn't want you to be crying your eyeballs out." Kankuro said.
"I don't care! My Naru is gone!"
"He is NOT gone! Goddamit Temari! He will figure something out! He has been in this whole 'I got kidnapped because of how I look' situation so you shouldn't worry so much."
"What if he dies?! My poor Naru!!" Temari wailed.
((Naruto cringed at what he did to Temari when he got kidnapped that one time. Temari just patted him on the back to tell him it's fine.))

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