Chapter 12

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"What happened to the video I made?!" Temari yelled out. Naruto looked at her, emotionless but his eyes showed he was startled. "Oh um the thumb drive ran out of memory."
"Don't worry everyone! I have it on my phone!" Temari declared and started to make her way to the front. "What?! No!" Naruto exclaimed and pulled her back. She twirled around to escape his embrace. They went in a limbo back and forth, dancing with each other like they were made for each other whilst trying to hold each other back. "Should we start playing a song?" Hakura yelled out, grinning at the dancing couple. "No need." Temari said as Naruto trapped her in another embrace and she palmed the phone into Kosuke's hand and he darted towards the front. "Dammit." Naruto cursed and Temari pecked him on the cheek.
"I hate you." Naruto grumbled playfully, Temari punched his arm playfully.
"Nah. You love me."
((Alright my lovely patient readers, i apologise for all this 'videos' it is because I don't know how to end this party and yeah. You get my flow. AND I still have a lot of ideas!))
"Yo! I just heard from Naru's employee that he is on the rooftop. Hope he isn't doing something stupid." Temari grumbled. Temari reached a door and opened it as quietly and subtly as she could. "What the hell." Temari whispered to the video camera as she made the camera trace the thick black wires that laid on the ground. It led to the edge of the roof and it started tracing up someone's leg. Naruto stood on the very edge of the ledge, dangerously close to the borderline of death. He was holding a Nikon camera, clicking away at the sunrise. "Should I kill him?" Temari joked quietly, hoping Naruto doesn't notice. "Maybe I should. He isn't giving me enough attention. But maybe I shouldn't... He is hot as f. Plus he is rich and cute and sexy- bad Temari! Bad!" Temari reprimanded herself before sneaking up towards Naruto and pushing him a little. Naruto jumped away, startled. He twisted around to see who pushed him as he zipped down at a rapid speed. Naruto manage to stop himself in time before he plummeted too far down. "What the hell Temari?!" Naruto yelled up through the wind.
"What?" She asked innocently.
"Why did you scare me like that?"
"I thought you heard me!"
"No you liar!" Naruto yelled as he swayed a bit when the wind picked up and he almost lost his balance. "Dammit! I can never lie to you." Temari groaned.
"It's not that easy Hime." Naruto said, amused as he looked up and saw Temari pointing the video camera at him. "Why are you filming everything?" Naruto asked, as he looked down at the mechanism that held the black rope. "Why not?! I can use this as evidence against you in the court of law!" Temari yelled, quoting Naruto when he had recited the Miranda Right whilst she was trying to memorise it. "I see you finally memorised it." Naruto commented.
"Hell yeah I did!... Although... Are you going to come up?"
"You have to realise Temari-chan. When you scared me out of my skin," Naruto said sarcastically, "the rope wasn't actually tied together so I would have plummeted to my death... Down 100 floors, ehhh." Naruto said as he looked down again to make sure the mechanism would hold. "WHAT?"
Naruto looked at Temari and she punched him playfully still upset about what had happened. Others send the couple a gaze at their cuteness together.
"My arm is getting tired. What do you think is going to happen when I let go?" Naruto teased.
"Don't you dare!! Why didn't you tell me?"
"Well, for a first, you don't go scaring people when they are standing on the ledge." Naruto said, bored.
"That doesn't answer my question."
"Second, you shouldn't scare someone who just got hit by a car two days ago and manage to get discharged even though i am still suppose to be unconscious."
"Still!" Temari growled, not making sense.
"Can you at least help me up or something? My arm is losing feeling and my legs are going numb again."
"Dammit!" Temari cursed as she reached over and Naruto slowly walked up the glass pane and reached out to grasp Temari's hand. She didn't even need to put any effort into helping him up and over the ledge. "I hate it when you feel so light." Temari grumbled.
"Be glad I am actually underweight for once okay? You probably wouldn't be able to lift me over the ledge and I would have pulled you down with me if you weren't careful." Naruto said glaring slightly.

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