Chapter 2

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Naruto had to push Kosuke into a random shop to hide when the popular guys and girls from his school approached. Naruto grabbed a shirt and ducked into the change room while Kosuke pretended to look around. The group of rowdy stuck up kids walked past and Naruto cautiously exited. "I actually like this shirt." Naruto commented and went straight to the cashier to pay for the shirt. Kosuke didn't do a face palm like what he would do to other people when they spend money without thinking. Naruto doesn't spend a lot of money on himself at all, only to buy necessities and an occasional outfit or two when he was getting to big for it or when he needed a change of whatever he wore usually. He spent more on spoiling his employee/ workers sometimes by buying them all lunch etc. . This is why they all respected him and never asked for much from him and never slacks off nor leave most of the work for him. Although he would go around picking papers off people's desk to lighten their workload. They would always protest about him overworking but he always brushed it off. He was like the nicest boss to them all. No body on the outside knows that a kid at the age of 15 is their boss already but they didn't care how old he is. He was so efficient and so nice! He treats everyone fairly and would even go the extra mile for someone if they are in need. He doesn't even need to be told that someone needs help, he just casually gives people off days with no limit of when they need to be back and he would just take over their work and finish it up, so everyone tries to finish their workload before they ask for help from Naruto.
"Why are you letting them bully you?" Kosuke asked as they walked back to the mansion. Naruto always insisted on walking so it didn't draw any attention to him. "They'll regret it once they find out who I really am." Naruto said, giving Kosuke a rare smirk causing him to grin back. "You've really planned everything out, haven't you."
"Of course! I come double prepared. I plan like a strategist and think like a general." Naruto said with a tinge of confidence in his voice, that was the closest thing to an emotion Naruto would let out usually. Just a small tiny dot. Kosuke nodded his approval at the youngster, pleased that he is so smart. Kosuke guarded Naruto all the way into the house before he resumed his post somewhere in the behemoth mansion, castle-like. It would take so long to get from one end of the mansion to the other. So Naruto had randomly brought segways and gliders. They could all choose which one they want to use as their form of travel or they could travel by foot, how ever they like, Naruto likes different form of transport. Some days he is in the mood for rollerblades, some day skateboard, some day a Segway and some day a glider or some day he just can't be stuffed so he decides to walk instead. Outside, they drove golf carts around or walk. You can say life around the mansion is pretty fun especially when someone bumps into each other on their segways.
Naruto finished up some paper work before getting up to get some food and then lazing around before getting ready for bed. Naruto sighed when he passed his parents' bedroom. It reminded him vividly of what had happened that night. It made his heart clench tightly in pain. Naruto shook it off and walked away as quickly as possible. It still hurt, even after so many years.

"Sasuke." Itachi called out as they passed each other in the hallway. "Yes Aniki?"
"Why are you treating that blond kid so badly?" Itachi asked which completely thrown Sasuke off. "I... Don't know. I guess it was because he was a nobody that manage to get into out school. On invite." Sasuke stressed. Itachi blinked at his little brother. Is he seriously so narrow minded?
Itachi didn't mind Naruto at all. He had hung out with the blond once or twice and he has got to admit the kid was way bigger and better than he led others to believe he is. He loved how selfless the kid was and how he was never cocky despite his smartness, he was never trying to be attention seeking. They had meet when Naruto jumped onto the road to push him and a smaller kid that was walking close to him away from an oncoming car before almost getting hit by the car himself if he hadn't jumped up and ran on the car before jumping off and rolling to safety. They become fast friends after finding out they had quite a few things in common. Naruto never told Itachi much except for that few hobbies and likes but Itachi knows that Naruto would tell him sooner or later, he knows Naruto had a huge secret that he needed to keep to himself until the time is right.
"And I guess it is because he always thinks he is better than us. He is just some nobody, he can't possibly be smarter than the Nara but he is! We're all sure he must have somehow cheated. To get a full mark every, single time." Sasuke said.
"Well, otouto," Itachi said as he turned and started to walk away, "you might be surprise just how little you know that kid. He might be hiding behind some masks and once the time is right and he comes out. He will shine brighter than any of us without even trying."
"But we don't need to try! We're the Uchiha-"
"Don't get too cocky, Sasuke." Was all Itachi said before closing his room door behind himself. Che. Who does that dobe think he is? I wonder why aniki suddenly ask that question. Sasuke thought as he turned to walk to his own room.
When will you learn Sasuke? When are you going to stop belittling people?

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